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Logo feedback, anyone?

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Hey all, I just made a logo in around 20minutes. I like it, it's okay. I just want to get some critique. :\
(If this is in wrong area, sorry in advance. Seemed like the most logical place.)

Sorry, this is feedback for the site. You're going to be wanting Resource Analysis, there. :thumb:
To comment on the logo, it's okay, but it's a little bland with only a gray background.
That font is incredibly annoying. The circles are in such arbitrary places.

Other than that, you may want an outline for the main image. In anything other than a dark background, it'll get lost.

Also, you may also want to consider making it more "radiant" since this is for "Radiant Lore." For your outline you could consider doing some kind of glow or light-shining effect to get this feel.

The sword is a little big for me, but that's just a personal nuance, mostly because it makes the dimensions asymmetrical. Is this for a game?
You did.
$t3v0":39bjxong said:
It's very final fantasy. I immediately thougt of that game when I saw it and that's not exactly good if it's a logo for your own unique product/game/anything.

Other than that it could look a lot better with some texture or shading, no?
I hadn't realized that he made a duplicate in the Resource section, this one was originally in Feedback and I moved it here without noticing some time ago.  I'll close this one then since there's now two of these floating around.
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