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Loading a Save File with Call Script



You could use something like this:

load = Scene_Load.new



Where filename would be the name of the file which you want to load.
For example, if you want to load the first save game slot, you can do this:

load = Scene_Load.new


This would load the save file and automatically start a new game.



It's also a great technique to save the game without going to Scene_Save. For example putting the following call script after an boss battle:

# Return to the map after saving

$game_temp.save_calling = true

# Save game on save slot 1

save = Scene_Save.new


The script could be improved by creating an extra save slot 'Autosave.rxdata', but then you will have to make some adjustments to Scene_File.
@gerrtunk: Accusing someone else's script to have a virus to get your own promoted? Now that's very pragmatic indeed, however not really the smartest move. Please edit your post there, even if it was "just for fun" - that's not the way to go.

(I'm assuming that there is no actual virus by the fact that there are no virusses in plagues script, nor does it erase your database...)
Thanks MarkR, that's exactly what I needed. I had the autsave part figured out, it was the autoload that was threw me off. Thanks to everyone else for such...enthusiasm. Now players won't ever have to see the game over screen in my game!
BlueScope":3k4fz2bt said:
@gerrtunk: Accusing someone else's script to have a virus to get your own promoted? Now that's very pragmatic indeed, however not really the smartest move. Please edit your post there, even if it was "just for fun" - that's not the way to go.

(I'm assuming that there is no actual virus by the fact that there are no virusses in plagues script, nor does it erase your database...)

Its a joke of us. We have attacked and compared our scripts a few times. No problem in editing. At least for me is a joke.
Well, I don't intend to destroy your fun... however, you could easily have someone get the wrong idea by writing that, and I think that's neither your nor plague's intention ;)
And I guess sorry for going off topic for a bit.

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