just came here from R3, found a link there and found this place very cool [insert.coolface.here]
Well, uhn, I'm 15 and I'm not Lindsay Lohan (but I like girls as much as her), I started programming when i was 10, I know Ruby, C (++ and # too), Java, Pascal, Pearl, (I don't really think Assembly counts ^^'), and...bah never completed a game and... I'm not really useful for anything except helping people >.>
Anyway, fuck mankind and go j**k off:
EDIT: Okay, stopping with all my bad start here, my personal computer with all engines installed is broken, so until friday i'm really useless ^^. But, once it gets fixed I'll start around here posting my algorithims, scripts and demos. ^^ sorry for the inconvenience
just came here from R3, found a link there and found this place very cool [insert.coolface.here]
Well, uhn, I'm 15 and I'm not Lindsay Lohan (but I like girls as much as her), I started programming when i was 10, I know Ruby, C (++ and # too), Java, Pascal, Pearl, (I don't really think Assembly counts ^^'), and...bah never completed a game and... I'm not really useful for anything except helping people >.>
Anyway, fuck mankind and go j**k off:
EDIT: Okay, stopping with all my bad start here, my personal computer with all engines installed is broken, so until friday i'm really useless ^^. But, once it gets fixed I'll start around here posting my algorithims, scripts and demos. ^^ sorry for the inconvenience