i cant manage it to add a specific value to a variable when i get a lvl up.
every actor should have his own variable. its for a status point distribution menu
someone can tell me how to do this?
i cant manage it to add a specific value to a variable when i get a lvl up.
every actor should have his own variable. its for a status point distribution menu
for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
actor = $game_party.actors[i]
if actor.cant_get_exp? == false
last_level = actor.level
actor.exp += exp
if actor.level > last_level
$game_variables[5] += 5 # <- this wont work :(
actor.hp = actor.maxhp
actor.sp = actor.maxsp
#Show LEvel Up if need to
actor.damage = "Level Up!" if DISPLAY_LEVELUP
Audio.me_play("Audio/ME/" + LEVELUP_MUSIC.to_s, 100, 100) if LEVELUP_MUSIC != ""
someone can tell me how to do this?