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So I was poking around The Symposium and I was looking at all of the major threads and I noticed that every single one of them ended in a flame war between two people.

So my question to you is can a Debate EVER END? I mean when will someone ever admit defeat? What does it take to move someones core beliefs on subjects such as abortion, faith, and even science.

How much evidence is required for you to change your mind about something, or are we all going into arguments with the desire to prove people wrong?

EDIT: Is it possible to learn something from the person you are debating and if so please share!
I am the master debater, incorrigible and no one can persuade my thoughts. You would be well advised to accept all of my words as fact because I am the law around these parts.
rexxzecutioner;304660 said:
I am the master debater, incorrigible and no one can persuade my thoughts. You would be well advised to accept all of my words as fact because I am the law around these parts.

I think you and I both know that the Great Lord God(GLG) is the "law around these parts". Whether you are joking or not, I find your assertion extremely ofensive.
I have rebuked the will of the Lord time and time again, he's proven no match for my might. It is quite clear that the only God is the will of man, and my will is the greatest.
What? What? Excuse me if I lose my temper, sir, but claiming that you are above the Lord God is a direct insult to Him as well as me and the members of the Christian Community(CC) as a whole.

Whether or not you believe in Him is your choice- but please, kind sir- do not insult my faith.
The followers of your faith do more of an insult to it than I can ever dream to.

I'll openly blaspheme against whoever I damn well please, even some fictional lord of light named Jehova. Reminds me of something I'd read in a fairy tale. I stopped believing in Santa Clause at the age of 3 too, Yeshua is no different.
@corporate: I'm a member of the Christian Community (CC) and I find your posts more offensive (MO) than his.

And a debate isn't about bringing down another's point of view, nor ridiculize it. It's about putting them together and analyzing them, because more likely no one accepts other arguments easily.

But yeah, we do learn in debates, most people does.

@rexx: I know what you mean, but you can't seriously say that so rude against one's beliefs, is like I could say that you believe in yourself and you're a piece of shit. Not the best thing to say is it?
rexxzecutioner;304669 said:
I'll openly blaspheme against whoever I damn well please, even some fictional lord of light named Jehova. Reminds me of something I'd read in a fairy tale. I stopped believing in Santa Clause at the age of 3 too, Yeshua is no different.

I have half a mind to warn you! This is a direct assault against me and my religion.

You claim that you have power over God and the Universe, etc- but I dare you to prove it. And then, when you cannot, I ask you to dare my Lord to prove it. And He Will. There are miracles every day within our world that prove His existence and his great power over this plane. You just need to open your eyes and accept Him.
Christians are all condescending scum, just like you. With your sickly sweet demeanor, offering gifts of immortality if I totally trash my beliefs to worship your false lord. Oh but if I don't, I will burn in hell for eternity? Let me tell you that is the biggest load of horse shit anyone can ever tell.

My uncle Henry Finklestein tried to teach me similar things but I showed him how I thought. After I socked him right in the kisser for trying to impose his beliefs on me, that is.

I do have power over 'God', and I prove that every day by refusing to acknowledge his existence.
lunarhiro2002;304673 said:
...you guys can't be serious...this is a joke?

Nope, corporate thinks he's the pope and has power over us to turn us into angels (TUIA) like he suposedly is (LHSI)

Did you read my post about debating?
Henry Finklestein

This may explain your blasphemy. I take it you were raised in a Jewish family/household? Your people murdered Christ, and I feel that this goes a long way towards explaining your attitude toward God and religion.

I almost feel as though I have nothing more to say to you, Shylock.

Give me a moment to gather myself so I can reply again with more calm. I fear I am getting too heated.
You're such an anti-semetic nazi piece of trash, you know that? Actually that is an insult to nazis, you're worse.

There will be no mercy for you in your God's Hell. I'll be sending you straight there with my nigromantic curses...
corporate @merica;304680 said:
This may explain your blasphemy. I take it you were raised in a Jewish family/household? Your people murdered Christ

Hitler said so too

corporate @merica;304680 said:
I fear I am getting too heated.

Wrong, you got hated from your first post

I'll say this once before I start bumping on the report button. Stay on topic please, let's debate debates can we :)
rexxzecutioner;304681 said:
You're such an anti-semetic nazi piece of trash, you know that? Actually that is an insult to nazis, you're worse.

There will be no mercy for you in your God's Hell. I'll be sending you straight there with my nigromantic curses...

I will not be compared with nazis and the Fuerher's regime. I will admit that some of what they did was well-intentioned, but they took it way too far and I in no way endorse that, and neither does my church.

As for your curse, are you joking with me? Because I tell you, sir, that is not funny. People in my church believe in such things.

If you send me a curse, I will be forced to perform prevention rituals.
It is quite an apt comparison, I'd say. What with the witch prosecutions of yesteryear and the current GAY bashing of today, it is much a parallel to the Nazi regime's actions. You can perform all of the protective prayer's to your god that you want, but I'll warn you that my arcane paradigm strongly reinforces my ability to carry out my invocations on your soul. You will have dire luck in the near future I'm afraid.
I believe that my strong and unwavering faith in the Lord God(LG) will protect me from any unholy spells that you would throw my way.

As for your mention of "homosexual rights", I dare say that I am a "gay basher". I don't oppoe their ability to choose to become "homosexuals", I simply- for their own sake- wish that they wouldn't make such a sinful choice.
Well we all know about the gay's tendencies that lead to pedophilia, I won't dispute that because I already proved that in another thread, however to simply think your God can protective from PROVEN curses is just... well it's laughable. Your God is nothing more than a fabrication of man, and you use the false scriptures to further your bigotist agenda's. Baphomet will give me strength to put an end to your manipulative ways. The sacred druidic order should back me on my request to deal with you, as I am getting tired of your ways.
Baphomet? You dare mention demons against me? On top of questioning my God and my faith in Him- not to mention the very Fact that God Rules All(FtGRA)- you dare bring such diabolic things into this conversation?

I dare say that your demonic intentions are merely there not because you believe in them- but to insult me. And if that is the case then consider yourself successful, I am insulted.

Sacred druidic order? Posh, do you realize what you are trying to accomplish here? Those people believed that they could procure magic from forests and trees. I will tell you now that there is in fact magic in forests and trees- but your druidic ways will never be able to reach it. True magic comes from God, and it is such clerical magic that I will employ to gain victory in this forum debate.
If you think your clerics can stand up to my sorcerers, feel free to continue with such sentiments. I know for a fact though your kind has very few offensive capabilities, mostly dealing with your false 'healings' and 'miracles'. A true sorcerer can wreak havok upon his enemies. I warn you to watch your back, pal.

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