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Legend of Zelda - Faces of Link

Since Twilight Princess came out, I've been a bit obsessed with the Zelda series. Having played all but a few of the 15 or so official Zelda titles (most at the time of their respective release), I decided to sprite the many faces of Link. Since the VEX is by far my favorite template (thanks to LDT), I'm working off of that. Here's my progress so far, would love feedback.

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a126/ ... nk-all.png[/IMG]

Here's a zoomed shot as well, since this one is hard to see.

http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a126/ ... lzoom2.png[/IMG]

From Left to Right, they are (based on the character art, not sprites):

1) Legend of Zelda (NES)/ Link's Adventure (NES)/ Link's Awakening (GB)/ Link to the Past (SNES)
2) Ocarina of Time (N64)/ Majora's Mask (N64) [child Link]
3) Oracles of Ages (GBC)/ Oracles of Seasons (GBC)
4) Ocarina of Time (N64) [adult Link]
5) Wind Waker (GC)/ Minish Cap (GBA)/ Four Swords (GC-GBA) [without hat]
6) Wind Waker (GC)/ Minish Cap (GBA)/ Four Swords (GC-GBA) [with hat]
7) Twilight Princess (GC-Wii) [farm Link]
8) Twilight Princess {GC-Wii) [hero Link]
"1) Legend of Zelda (NES)/ Link's Adventure (NES)/ Link's Awakening (GB)/ Link to the Past (SNES)"

WRONG!! That link is only from the 2 nes games. SNES link, has blonde hair in drawings, but for some reason pink hair in the sprite O_o Also, He's a child, I think. Hence he lives with his uncle. In Link's awakening, his hair is blonde.
their all great man, awsome spriting, and i like that yer using the vex template in all it's glory, but O.o.T. link (adult) and O.o.T. & majora's mask link (child), isnt their hair kinda parted in the middle and blonde-ish?
ah, i see, their is more on the blonder side tho... and the adult link has the same hair style he had as when he was a child... er... right?



That shot you've got of Adult link is off color.

And here's Link's Awakening = dirty blond

And Link to the Past
You can see the rest on that site too.

Basically, with the acception of the first two games, Link has Dirty Blond hair.

Overall the sprites are very flat. On almost all of them you haven't curved the belts around their waists, but just drawn straight lines. There's not much though given to the shading, no light source.
The only reason Link had purple hair in A Link To The Past was because of a screw up in the link palette. They made it with brown but it for some reason changed to purple.

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