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Large Script Needed

Okay, I need this:

A script that makes it so that the character uses up 'Skill Points' to equip skills. Like, Thunder takes up 2 Skill Points. But as the character levels up, s/he gets more skill points. So say

Level 1: 4
Level 2: 5

And so on...

ALSO, and that's a big also, I need it to work along with a Blue Magic Script. Any blue magic script, it doesn't matter, so that you learn skills through Blue Magic, but they aren't equipped until the battle ends and you can access the menu to equip them.

Thanks in advance.
Thanks, I'm gonna use that for in my game instead of the Blue Magic system. Now, have you any idea where I could get the script to equip skills? I don't mean like the one Sephi made (I think it was sephi) I mean like how auto-abilities were equipped on Final Fantasy 9 (Magic Stones kinda thing) if you know what I mean.
Yeah... I know what you mean. Equip a materia (or whatever you name it), and it's skill autoruns. IE: resurrects IF character dies (use once), heal or immunity to poisons, and whatnot.
I'll see if I can scrounge up something on that... can't promise as I haven't seen an auto-running skill system over here... yet.



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