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Labels via scripting[XP]

Is it possible to place one "label(via scripting)" in an event list wherever you save while the event is running, so that
when you load your game you don't have to run all the event again, because when the event starts there's
a "jump to label" function that jumps to the part where you were?

Edit: For example, I want that during the event is running, If you press a button, it saves the command where the event is running on the event list without using the label function in the event functions, using a script to do so. After it puts the scripted label, the game is saved and the game ends. Now, when you load where you saved, it doesn't start all over again the event, but that by the "jump to label" event function, it detects the scripted labels, and you can resume where you were without waiting for the whole event to run.(This will be particulrily used for interrupting cutscenes to save your game and do not have to play the cutscene all over again, like to pause the event and then have the ability to resume the event.)
If you save your game while events are running, they will pick up where they left off when you load the game, as it is saving $game_map to the file. The events will only get reset on save->load if they're teleporting the player between maps, which is easily fixed by just splitting up the event so an event on the new map takes over after the player gets teleported.

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