This is L.A.S Heros
This is the first game i've made so please don't get to angry.

If you dont like the names of my ppl then go punch yerself in the face.
Starts off with Luneth (main charector) waking up to a normal day, then well basically, the world's getting corrupt by evil people, not gonna say whom, cus its a major spoiler. Basically everyone you thought was, isn't. There are four cristals of life that all the evil guys are trying to distroy to get to the major one so he can get eternal power. After luneth gets knocked out by this guy in a clocke, (His name is Zanth), He keeps him live after distoying his town and killing everyone. After getting knocked out, you get switched over to Mikey. He is ordered by the king to deal with the evils of the earth Nymph. Well, after they finish, Mikey, and Cameron, (you'll meet him later on ) They will start to notice the kings intentions being a little wronge. but Felix ( the kings main gaurd) has his head to far up his butt to realise that the King isn't what he thinks he is.
Luneth: Main charecter
Mikey: 11 year old boy whos' curiousity gets the best of him. While wondering in the city he notices Felix (who is ordered by the king for a sercret assingment) walking into a flying ship. Well Mikey has never been, or saw one befor so he dicides to follow Felix to check it out. What he doesn't know is that this dicision will put him on a journey he'd never know.
Felix: Was a knight for the king.
Alex: Rouge found by a campsite.
Cameron: Asked to join Mikey and Felix on their quest for the king so he could show the king he is worth being a knight.
Zanth: Distroyed Luneth's Town, why... you'll have to play to find out.
King Kuja: King of Lathesys, power hungry dictator who wants to control EVERYTHING!
These are all the ones I have so far.
Mikey: 11 year old boy whos' curiousity gets the best of him. While wondering in the city he notices Felix (who is ordered by the king for a sercret assingment) walking into a flying ship. Well Mikey has never been, or saw one befor so he dicides to follow Felix to check it out. What he doesn't know is that this dicision will put him on a journey he'd never know.
Felix: Was a knight for the king.
Alex: Rouge found by a campsite.
Cameron: Asked to join Mikey and Felix on their quest for the king so he could show the king he is worth being a knight.
Zanth: Distroyed Luneth's Town, why... you'll have to play to find out.
King Kuja: King of Lathesys, power hungry dictator who wants to control EVERYTHING!
These are all the ones I have so far.