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Kidd6686's Sprite Dump / Updated! 12-15-2008, C&C Please!

Here is the new installments of my WIP's C&C Please I'm thinking about a game "Untitle" as of yet but has potentail so ill start with
getting comments on these then move to getting story but graphics will come first  :thumb: <br>
Here are some main characters in the game!<br><br>

**Will Update Main Post With New Additions!**

http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i297/ ... 1234-1.png[/imgzoom]
Thanks, :) and I must agree I am fond of the Breeze Rev. Template... never really use half kaiser but if its smaller then the original it beats the whole purpose of kaiser in the first place. I added more sprites, combined them to main post for easy viewing and trying to "up" the shading on the hair a bit more will post asap with the update!
the sand tile? its rtp  :pissed: i should have mention that , I just need the example.  :thumb: I still dont know if I like the enlarged sprites I mean it does add a more common view and better for exploration and also easier to hide things but I dont know what you think? I will have to adjust the sprite accordingly and also the tiles I will be using if I do decide reason why I used the examples   :wink:
It looks very bad, mapping would be a pain, which is why you kept the floor tiles 32x32 cause of tiling. And due to the lack of detail of the breeze tiles, it looks horrible zoomed.
I actually like how everything is like.. GIGANTIC. Obviously you'd need to re-sprite everything at the larger size so that it's not all choppy like it is now, but the idea of everything being so big is kinda cool ^_^ I think it'd make adventuring around a bit more fun since you're not seeing a huge portion of the map on screen at once.
<br>I agree that it does it was just to show the size and yes I would have to edit the sprites and tiles for sure.

@The Panda
<br>Exactly what I was thinking I might make a mock up of the updated graphics because it does leaves more for the imagination and exploration and be more interesting to play.
http://C:\Documents and Settings\Dennie.COMPUTER\Mijn documenten[/img]

You have to upload it to an imagehosting site such as imageshack.us before using the img tags. ~Peri

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