Alright, Should be easy but I'm kinda slow. Here's what I need changed:
Alright, Now according to the istructions on top, how do I change it to where, for example, after a battle on Map 1 it takes me to map 2, and whatever position??
And I don't want to change this for EVERY map, I just want this to effect 1 map.
 # Exit Battle Information
 # This section tells the battle interpreter how and where to return to the map. Â
 # This can be useful to know, whether you should return to the position in which
 # you called the battle from or not.  The settings are as follows:
 # [
 #  Return to calling map and position(True, False),
 #  Goto Map_ID(only used if first if false),
 #  Return to [X, Y] on specified map,
 #  Return direction
 # ]
 def self.battle_exit_info(map_id)
  case map_id
  when 1; return [true, 1, [$game_player.x,$game_player.y], $game_player.direction]
  else; return [true, 1, [1,1], 2]
Alright, Now according to the istructions on top, how do I change it to where, for example, after a battle on Map 1 it takes me to map 2, and whatever position??
And I don't want to change this for EVERY map, I just want this to effect 1 map.