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Just Another Writer


So since I am offering my writing abilities to those who may need or want them, I decided it might be best to post a topic. In which case, this is it, so congrats if you made it to here. :thumb:

I am also making this topic to share my work and developing stories with the people of this forum. I am working on getting through some books that I've started and hope to finish, aiming to get at least one published at some time. Obviously, as a young writer, I am not exactly deemed qualified to be an author, but wisdom and skill doesn't just come with age I say.

So I hope that you enjoy the work displayed here. The links will lead to where stories are posted on Fictionpress. Without an account, you cannot add a review to them, but I think you can still read them.

About My Work

Anyways, so in all seriousness, I am a dedicated writer when it comes to both storyline and character design. I have written storylines for those in the past, and have done personal work to improve my skills.

I don't like to overdo things too much, but I try to create full and good stories, trying to keep away from scenarios used too often. I will give examples to anyone who wants them, but here is a small intro to a short story that I wrote:

To know the world as it appeared meant nothing. People boasted about traveling around the world in eighty days, to do what they claimed impossible. To see the sights, watch every horizon, and stare into the depths of each ocean. But at that moment, as Kosef gazed at the world displayed below him, captured and sealed as if it were merely there for show and not to be sold or touched, the longing to reach it, to know it false, rose inside of him. The man reached out a shaky hand to the invisible force he stood upon, and as he knelt to touch it, Kosef confirmed his dread.

What I'm Offering

So here's what I'm "laying out on the table". I'll be glad to help and give people small bits of advice, work and develop storylines, character backgrounds, roles, and personalities, etc

I'm not thrilled about the idea of writing out scripts, dialogue, and scenes, but I suppose that all depends.

My Work

So here are some summaries and examples of parts of my stories. The links are displayed in the spoilers with them.

Description: An indepth tale of friendship, love, and fantasy like none before, where a strange new world is shown, and hope is found. Marie, a young girl to be married off to someone she doesn't even know, finds herself thrown into a place between time and dimensions. There, she meets the Watchman, and through his help and guidance, seeks a way to return to her home back the way she came. But the Book has been stolen, and creatures who would dare to risk the Sayings (laws), make it a difficult task as they unleash themselves from their seals. Now both Marie and Haven each are faced with difficult decisions as they struggle to find what they want and who they are.

Caption: "Well," Haven added, shifting slightly with a smile. "Let me share a secret with you." He leaned in close, and Marie followed example. Lifting a hand over the side of his mouth, he told her, "You're not home."

Bell, Book, and Candle

Description: A completed, short story about the gods seeking revenge on the humans after they discard religion from their world. As a consequence, it's left in the hands of the Deliverer to decide what happens next.

Caption:To know the world as it appeared meant nothing. People boasted about traveling around the world in eighty days, to do what they claimed impossible. To see the sights, watch every horizon, and stare into the depths of each ocean. But at that moment, as Kosef gazed at the world displayed below him, captured and sealed as if it were merely there for show and not to be sold or touched, the longing to reach it, to know it false, rose inside of him. The man reached out a shaky hand to the invisible force he stood upon, and as he knelt to touch it, Kosef confirmed his dread.

Pulse: Human, God, and Beast

Description:The seven of them met at a party under extreme circumstances. With two uprising covens heading off against each other, trouble brews for Eve and Shayla caught in between. Who's intentions are true? Eve, missing the biggest movie she'd ever get to see, is dragged to a party, gets drunk, chased by the cops, and all just to find that her new "friends" are not what they seem. As the days pass, Eve discovers a whole 'nother side to what and who she is, and what she came from.

Caption:As the last of the odd threesome departed, Guinevere shuddered uneasily. She glanced up at the bells, and was bewildered that they hadn't made a sound on the youths' departure.

Curious about this, she retrieved a stool from the back and stood on it to examine the small, gold plated pieces. To her amazement the insides of the bells were now silver, and the heads were missing. Quickly the woman traced another protection symbol, except it was over her heart this time.

Rune Games

So those are the main stories that I am working on, and the short story is just something I really like, though it has many cliffhangers. (then again, what's the fun of knowing everything, right?)

I don't just write stories, but I also do poems too. So here are some examples (I may add more later):

I Showed you my misfortune,
Brought myself to plea.
For the despair deep in my heart,
To be held high for all to see.

I stand here now with gun in hand,
The trigger nice and set.
Pointing it towards all of you,
Pondering who'll go next.

I know that after I am gone,
You will begin to understand.
That once the bullet goes in and out,
I can never help you again.

Their words form the blade,
That sinks into my heart.
Their actions give me pause,
To seek a refreshing start.

Their care makes me smile,
And hold their friendship dear.
Their kindess gives me strength,
And hope to presevere.

Their lies give me pain,
That I refuse to let live.
Their betrayal utterly disgusts me,
As they suspect me to just forgive.

People ask me why I let it go,
And let it start anew.
I tell them it's not easy,
When your friends' actions come from you.

The veil has lifted from your eyes,
So you may watch in your disgrace.
The shadows strays from its path,
Stricken by time and place.

You watched in torn illusion,
Tried to make amends.
Gave back that which you've been given,
Swearing never to do it again.

I know it all meant nothing,
You truly couldn't care.
But with these eyes I'll hypnotize,
Till you're no longer there.

Darkness will always find its place,
In the vain of people's hearts.
For dark exists within the light,
Tearing at it part by part.

The struggle is evergoing,
No matter the side you choose.
Preseverence ensures the win,
And hesitance the lose.

You can try and do good deeds,
Or to overcome the light.
To take the step across the path,
And fight this difficult fight.

Take a chance and hold it close,
Grip it tight, and don't let go.
If you choose the gray then know this too,
In the middle dreams don't come true.

Who would have thought it so easy,
To just let myself go.
To forget just who I am,
And everything I know.

To drop my being now,
And raise my guard to you.
So you can stop complaining,
You'll never have to choose.

And so as you read this,
I hope you understand.
That I'd give myself up first,
Before any of you can.

I know I'll do it one of these times,
I swear I'll leave my trace.
Being sure I'm all alone,
Locking the doors just in case.

I'll scrounge around quite a bit,
Debating what to use.
Just the right tool for just the right spot,
I've got quite a lot to lose.

My family I know will weep,
And my friends will curse my fall.
Saying I did it cause I was selfish,
Guess they knew me after all.

I'll take the blade and raise it high,
Cutting real deep and low.
I'll fall to the floor with careless ease,
Letting my savior go.

By the time they find me,
My time has long since past.
Wished they'd paid attention to,
The poem I'll hide real fast.

I have not doubt they'll miss me,
And I know they're gonna feel bad.
But they took away the only life,
I ever really had.

So there's examples of my work, and I thought I'd share them with everyone else. I hope you enjoy them, and for those of you in need of a writer, I hope that I might be able to help you.

p.s. I will also hopefully be putting together a website where my stories can be viewed and updated, in case there are any difficulties.



These are nice poems, and the stories seem pretty cool. I am also a young author, although my stories are a little darker and my poems more varied.

Your poems make me think you are very depressed, or that you live in a dark state of mind. But it also makes you very expressive, and I think that is great. Most people I know hold this kind of thing in, and it tears them apart.

Good luck! Peace!
Actually, I am both depressed and dark, but writing is the best way to get it out. I can hardly ever write something upbeat or happy, especially poems. Glad you like them though. :)
Have you visited my already-existing "Compilation of Writing" thread in the Other Entertainment forum? You could be its very first contributor. I made it so that writers, like ourselves, could share our stories, poems, essays, etc. with everyone here.

At least put something about the topic at hand before shamelessly advertising your own... And that should be like a side-note or something! - Andy
I am new to the site but I write stories all of the time ( and I am currently in the middle of writting one). Anyway I would love to help you out. Just tell me exactly what you need help with and I will do my best to help. :D
The offer is appreciated, but I made this thread to share my work and offer my services to others, not to ask for it.

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