The staff on .org has a bad fucking habit of posting REALLY GOOD DISCUSSION TOPICS not here, but in their own private forum. Fuck you faggots let's get some discussion up in here 
So talk about what your valentines was like. What did you do with your significant other, tell us the story!!!! Or if you're single, talk about how you masturbated, cried, then masturbated again. Whatevs. :3
I woke up yesterday morning, did a half hour of wii fit, ate cereal 'n' toast, showered, brushed my teeth, got dressed. My girlfriend pulled in just as i finished all this up, yay for timing!!!! It was about 10:30 am by this time, so i hopped in her truck and we kind of drove aimlessly for a few minutes before getting to a restaurant. It wasn't an EXPENSIVE PLACE or anything and we could wear regular clothes in it and all that, but it's my favourite spot in town. It serves the cities' best pizza. :3 I ordered an EXTRA EXTRA LARGE so I still had some I could bring home and eat later, and she ordered some kind of thai noodle thing. In fact we seem to order the same shit every time we go there. :x
It was an extraordinarly warm day, at least during the noon-ish hours, so we went down to the waterfront and just hung there. We actually watched some of the larger ice pieces on the water break, it was kind of cool. It got boring though so we decided to go hang out in the mall for a bit. She picked up a new blouse and a scarf (i got to watch her do a runway walk in the store, it was cool and pretty sexy :3) and I ended up buying a 360 with all my tradein dollars I've accumulated at EB over the years. We eventually came back to my place, and played the 360 pack-in games together. Kung Fu Panda was absolute SHIT but Lego Indiana Jones was fuckin' rad. It's a REALLY fun two player game. :3 We basically spent most of the night just playing random games on the 360/wii/DS/computer, then we went to bed and had lots of sex. She left about an hour ago.
I mean it might not be REALLY ROMANTIC SOUNDING or whatever but I think we had both of the main criteria covered (fun activities and a meal out). Besides, we both like to play games and in february up here there's not much to do outdoors so :3
So talk about what your valentines was like. What did you do with your significant other, tell us the story!!!! Or if you're single, talk about how you masturbated, cried, then masturbated again. Whatevs. :3
I woke up yesterday morning, did a half hour of wii fit, ate cereal 'n' toast, showered, brushed my teeth, got dressed. My girlfriend pulled in just as i finished all this up, yay for timing!!!! It was about 10:30 am by this time, so i hopped in her truck and we kind of drove aimlessly for a few minutes before getting to a restaurant. It wasn't an EXPENSIVE PLACE or anything and we could wear regular clothes in it and all that, but it's my favourite spot in town. It serves the cities' best pizza. :3 I ordered an EXTRA EXTRA LARGE so I still had some I could bring home and eat later, and she ordered some kind of thai noodle thing. In fact we seem to order the same shit every time we go there. :x
It was an extraordinarly warm day, at least during the noon-ish hours, so we went down to the waterfront and just hung there. We actually watched some of the larger ice pieces on the water break, it was kind of cool. It got boring though so we decided to go hang out in the mall for a bit. She picked up a new blouse and a scarf (i got to watch her do a runway walk in the store, it was cool and pretty sexy :3) and I ended up buying a 360 with all my tradein dollars I've accumulated at EB over the years. We eventually came back to my place, and played the 360 pack-in games together. Kung Fu Panda was absolute SHIT but Lego Indiana Jones was fuckin' rad. It's a REALLY fun two player game. :3 We basically spent most of the night just playing random games on the 360/wii/DS/computer, then we went to bed and had lots of sex. She left about an hour ago.
I mean it might not be REALLY ROMANTIC SOUNDING or whatever but I think we had both of the main criteria covered (fun activities and a meal out). Besides, we both like to play games and in february up here there's not much to do outdoors so :3