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Items that change variables



I would like a script that allows an item to change a variable specific to the actor it was used on. For example, an item is used on Actor 1 so Variable 1 is increased by 1 or another item is used on Actor 3 so Variable 3 is decreased by 1.

Thanks in advance.
You do not need a script for this. You can use a Common Event. Go to your Database then Common Events. Make a new CE, then choose Variable Control. Add 1 to whatever variable you are using. Click Ok. Then click apply at the bottom of the Database.

Now go to that specific item find 'Common Event' and select the CE you just made from the Drop Down menu.

Now displaying that is a whole seperate thing.;) But uh, I hope my "Mini-Tutorials" helped you achieve that.
Thats basicly what he wants yes, but he wanted to change a variable based on who used it. Like he said, if hero one used the item, then his variable would change, but if Hero 2 used it, hero two's variable would change not hero ones.
This can still be done with a common event I believe:

Have a conditional branch with the conditional being if the actor has the weapon equipped...you can do this for every character, or only the ones that affect the variable...

Wrote this rather quickly, I hope it makes sence, I can upload a picture later if you need it

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