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item side effects

Someone should make a script that if you use to many potions at one time, say 10, it inflicts you with poison: A high potion it'll only take 5 to inflict said status. It's a bit un-realistic to use something without it having side-effects.
You could just do it with common events, every time you use a potion it adds 1 to a variable, then checks to see if the variable >= 10, if so cause the side effect, then reset the counter.
lostamongmortals said:
Personally I'd like to see a game where you can heal yourself with a potion, but if your dangerously low on health and use to much, you get inflicted with poison. Too much of something isn't always good I think. Tha'd be a good sript request...

::doddells off to the script request:

wow that's so wierd quoting yourself.
in item tab (in the database) you can see "Common Event" where you'll get a drop-down list when clicked.

So if you go to Common Event Tab and create an event like Tillman said, then come back to item tab, and choose the common event you just made from the drop-down list xD

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