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Item Library

Hi XD, i want a script tath is seemed to a bestiary only tath it is a library tath content the list of items, weapos, armors, tath you got in the gameO_o

sorry but i dont speak very good english
In case no one understood it (even though it's pretty straight foward):
He wants a scene called Library that displays a list of all the items, weapons, and armors that you've picked up in the game. He didn't specify if he wanted the list to display info as well, but I personally think it'd be a good addition to at least include a help window. Another idea is to separate the Library into sections.
Momomo made one, though I don't recall if it's been translated, or even posted here...


Nope, Momomo's Item Book isn't here, but his link is HERE.

Just in case, there is the two following scripts that allow detailed info IN the menu:

Grouping and Details v 5.2a
http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/ ... /S_N_D.png[/IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/Files/RMXP/RMXP-ORG/Forum_Icons/FORUMS.PNG[/IMG]
by DerVVulfman (04-25-06) (posted here: 05-14-2006)
Custom Menu Add-Ons / Item Related / Skill Related
This system allows you to subdivide your skills and/or items into subgroups and allows you to bring up an extra screen for more in-depth information on the item/skill.​
Item/skills grouping, details and colors
http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/ ... ns/SDK.PNG[/IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/Files/RMXP/RMXP-ORG/Forum_Icons/S_N_D.png[/IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/Files/RMXP/RMXP-ORG/Forum_Icons/FORUMS.PNG[/IMG]http://hometown.aol.com/Der%20VVulfman/Files/RMXP/RMXP-ORG/Forum_Icons/REQ.PNG[/IMG]
posted by tibuda (02-24-2007)
Custom Menu Add-Ons / Item Related / Skill Related
This scripts groups items and skills using expressions, shows the important details and give them colors.

Trickster's Method & Class Library &
SephirothSpawn's Window_Selectable​
Guess it depends which one you want.

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