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Is 'Over The Rainbow' a good name?

It's name for a game that revolves around the rainbow.
English isn't my 1st language, so I can really use an advice. :yes:
I know beyond= over, but can I say 'over the rainbow'?
Does it also mean: about the rainbow?
Also, I'm worried it has some other meaning(maybe slang or something), can someone tell me if it does?
any help is appreciated. ^^
It doesn't mean 'about the rainbow' but 'about the rainbow' would probably not be a very good name, either.

Over the Rainbow sounds fine to me, but it's a famous line from 'The Wizard of Oz'
silver wind;314040 said:
It's name for a game that revolves around the rainbow.
English isn't my 1st language, so I can really use an advice. :yes:
I know beyond= over, but can I say 'over the rainbow'?
Does it also mean: about the rainbow?
Also, I'm worried it has some other meaning(maybe slang or something), can someone tell me if it does?
any help is appreciated. ^^

The term: "Over the rainbow" is generally associated with "The Wizard of Oz".
So unless your game is somehow connected with Dorothy and her friends, I'd
advise you to pick a different name.

Not meaning to spoil your fun, just trying to keep you out of trouble.

It might be fun to help you think up a name for your game. Why don't you tell
us more about what you have in mind?

There are a ton of creative people on this board. I'm sure some of them
have some great ideas you could borrow.


You have good grammar, but like others said, "over the rainbow" is a popular line from the smash-hit movie "The Wizard of Oz".

As for "about", I think you mean "above".
About is more like describing something. "This movie is about a dog and a stream," as opposed to "This movie's rating is above that other movie's rating,".



I simply cannot read this line without the classic tune hitting my brain like a dulcimer bludgeon "Some where over the rainbow..." It is almost painfully sweet.
Actually, I understand the confusion, because my native language seems to have a similar oddity in it (who knows, it might actually be the same language!). It just so happens that the Dutch word "over" can mean both "behind" as "about".
Well, the funny thing about languages is that they convey something, and english may just be more specific in that regard. Because to be physically over, behind, above, or about something is generally the same thing, just in different directions.
wow, thanks for all your comments.
I totaly forgot "The Wizard of Oz"..
If someone have a good idea for a name, I'd love to hear it.

In my game, there are 7 'legendary beasts' of the rainbow.
each has a special energy, which converts animals to magical monsters.
but the 7 beasts mysteriously disappear.. and a new evil monster comes to life. your goal is: a. become a powerful monster trainer b. defeat the evil, and c. bring back the rainbow beasts.

how about 'The Light Of Eight' / 'Tales of Eight'?
(it's kind of a spoiler, but there's an 8th beast.)



"The Rainbow"
"The Eighth Color"
"(That specific color of the eighth beast i.e. red/crimson/ruby, orange/bronze, yellow/gold, green/emerald, blue/sapphire, indigo, purple/violet/amythyst(sp?))"

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