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is it possible...



I was just wondering if It was possible to make an event with a certain comment in it not fade to grey if I were to set the color tone of the screen to grey.

This would be for a reveal spell, where a circle pic comes up on the screen when a skill is used, and things that were hidden appear. (with a switch)

but I would like to make the events that appear stay the same color they were, instead of fading to grey like everything else.

if I were to think this out, it would go like this...

when switch (XXXX) is on, events that have the comment of "reveal" in them do not change color if the screen does, even if it fades to black, or white.

But if the switch (XXXX) is off, then it does change color with the screen.

also, if someone does this, could you make it so that if a certain switch is on, that the player does not change color either? and both be different switches.

but if the switch (player color one) is off, then the player changes color with the screen.

Thanks to anyone who can do this!


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