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Is it possible to make damage rely on a stat?

Hey folks,
Came across this line in Game_Battler 3 :

      atk = [attacker.atk - self.pdef / 2, 0].max

      self.damage = atk * (20 + attacker.str) / 20

      # Element?

      self.damage *= elements_correct(attacker.element_set)

      self.damage /= 100

Now I was wondering if this could be modified per class.
As in only the Warrior class needs 'the' Strength, but the Hunter relies on Dexterity, a Mage on Intelligence and a Rogue on Agility.
To make it so each class has it's specific 'Strength Stat'.

For example an attacking Hunter, I was thinking of something along the lines of this:

      if $game_actors[class_id] == 2

      self.damage = atk * (20 + attacker.dex) / 20

      elsif .. etc


But I'm just getting into Ruby again so.. yeah.

Any help is appreciated! :)
Well, I thought it was impossible to work that way. From experience, for me, it was impossible. Instead I did:

      case attacker.class_id

      when 1

      atk = [attacker.atk - self.pdef / 2, 0].max

      self.damage = atk * (20 + attacker.dex) / 20

      self.damage *= elements_correct(attacker.element_set)

      self.damage /= 100


      atk = [attacker.atk - self.pdef / 2, 0].max

      self.damage = atk * (20 + attacker.str) / 20

      self.damage *= elements_correct(attacker.element_set)

      self.damage /= 100


Thanks anyways!


Awesome Bro

I don't think you would use the "else"

in VB or C++ your case statement would kind be like
case attacker.class ID
when 1
when 2

yeah, it looks like you did just fine! did it pop an error out? you could have it print out info on test runs like

when 1
when 2

to make sure that your code actually made the change. No need for a else since everyone who is attacking using that equation should have a class. Maybe I'm mistaken when it comes to actual enemies...

anywho, thanks for letting me put my two cents in

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