jbrist":5dcbuzr5 said:
Venetia, why are you going into these details, I bet £1000000 you download things illegally like songs, you can't say you actually pay to download the songs because you know it's 100x easier to get them for free, your just saying how much it is illegal, when I bet you do it yourself, EVERYONE does.
Firstly, I'm American, so £1000000 wouldn't buy me anything :P
Secondly, I'm not naive enough to go around saying what sort of activity I do on the internet, illegal or not. The fact of the matter is, people get busted doing shit like that ALL THE TIME.
It's called "RIAA v. The people". Read up.
http://digitalmusic.weblogsinc.com/2006 ... ng-lawsui/
Pre-litigation to college kids from the RIAA themselves:
http://www.riaa.com/newsitem.php?id=8E8 ... EBD3A603B9
RIAA sues 261 people:
RIAA sues 482 people:
The list goes ON AND ON. They DO look for people doing P2P fileswaps, they DO monitor activity, and they DO take action!
If it was illegal wouldn't the governemt etc. know about Limewire by now and ban or sue the website and stuff, well they haven't done anything like that, and it's been up for ages.
Yes, the govm'ts DO know about Limewire. And they monitor it like crazy. They just can't crack down on every little thing because there are millions of people doing it. That's like saying, "well, everybody does crack so you won't get busted". What about the people who DO get busted?!
The fact of the matter is, the govm'ts can't do shit about Limewire or any other P2P site. The companies producing the software are doing NOTHING wrong. The companies that produce P2P sites say that their software is
supposed to be used for sharing legal information and copyright-free material! So the only people who can be busted are the people who do illegal shit.
Guy goes down to the harbor and buys a prostitute. Should the harbor be closed? No, it's not the harbor's fault! It's the people soliciting prostitution!
So therefore I prove my point, the government etc. doesn't give a toss if we download a few songs every now and then, their busy looking for the big time people who are hacking on the internet and trying to hack the Governments files etc., not looking for 1 person downloading a few songs from time to time.
You gotta think realisticly about this.
And you need to think less naively. Like I said, I can report you any time. And also as I said, companies sue people for doing shit like this CONSTANTLY.
And about the pictures, Not being wierd, but I think all 4 of my ICT teachers at school, each with over 20 years experience and over 8 years university should know better about this stuff than you, not calling you dumb, but I've asked them about stuff like this before, and I think they know more about it than you, so thats my point proven thankyou very much.
Perhaps it's different in your country than in America. (Please note: Being a professor doesn't instantly make you an expert in everything--also you expect me to believe that you asked every one of them this exact question candidly? I have 3 years legal experience, have researched these matters thoroughly, and my husband is in law school. So while
I'm no lawyer, I'm not a n00b in law. But that is why, in my Copyright Law thread, I state that you should seek the advice of an attorney should you ever embark on something as hazy as using digital media commercially.)
BUT, if you are gathering an image online from someone, and that someone is the one who created the image, or has rights to it, and they are offering it for free, you are allowed to take it. You cannot REDISTRIBUTE it. Look up REDISTRIBUTION. Also, if you are gaining no profit from the image, and you credit your source, you can redistribute the image. How do you think the BBC gets away with putting up hundreds of pictures a day? Do you think they personally write the photographers and ask? No, they put a little credit blurb on the bottom!
If you're using the image
for profit and the image has been registered and you do not credit your source, the creator can get a court order for you to remove it and sue for compensory damages.
Sure, it doesn't happen often. But it
does happen, and statistically/mathematically speaking you COULD be one of the unlucky few to get blackballed.
Lastly, this is NOT a debate. Quit professing your opinion on pro-illegal activity. I'm saying this as a mod of the forum, looking out for the forum. We don't allow illegal shit here, and confessing to it isn't much better.
Wyatt, I apologize for hijacking your topic