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Interpolation Module

Interpolation Module

by Trebor777

v1.0 # 23/09/2010

I could have posted this in the snippet area, as it's more of a Script for scripters...:p
but would probably get more attention here.

Provides a set of functions to change a value to another with specific curves.
It can be used for a lot of different things, like generating curves values for
statistics, or to create nice movements.

each method takes 3 Values,
start and end value, and finally factor.
Factor is a float, between 0 and 1, representing how far between start and end.
Each of this methods affect how factor evolve over time :), and therefore how
fast or slow it goes.

You can check this : http://codeplea.com/simple-interpolation for more info.

Both of the following Script are compatible with XP and VX

Main Script
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">=begin
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">Interpolation Module
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">Trebor777
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">v1.0 # 23/09/2010
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">Provides a set of functions to change a value to another with specific curves.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">can be used for a lot of different things, like generating curves values for
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">statistics, or to create nice movements.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> 
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">each method takes 3 Values,
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">start and end value, and finally factor.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">Factor is a float, between 0 and 1, representing how far between start and end.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">Each of this methods affect how factor evolve over time :), and therefore how
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> fast or slow it goes.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> 
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;"> You can check this : http://codeplea.com/simple-interpolation for more info.
<span style="color:#000080; font-style:italic;">=end
module Interp_Mod
  # Linear Interpolation, by default, acceleration is constant(represented by factor).
  def self.lerp(start, end_value, factor)
    start + factor * (end_value - start)
  # Starts fast, ends slow
  def self.decel(start_value, end_value, factor)
    lerp(start_value, end_value, (1- (1- factor)**2))
  # Starts slow, ends fast
  def self.accel(start_value, end_value, factor)
    lerp(start_value, end_value, factor**2)
  # Smooth start and end
  def self.hermite(start, end_value, factor)
    lerp(start, end_value, factor**2 * (3.0 - 2.0 * factor))
  def self.sinerp(start, end_value, factor)
    lerp(start, end_value, Math::sin(factor * Math::PI*0.5))
  def self.coserp(start, end_value, factor)
    lerp(start, end_value, 1.0-Math::cos(factor * Math::PI*0.5))
  # Not restricted by time
  def self.lerp_unlim(start, end_value, percentage)
    lerp(start, end_value, percentage)
Example of use:
class Sprite
  # Move, Setup movement parameters
  # move object to the targetted location at x, y, using an interpolation function
  # in a specific time frame.
  ### Parameters ###
  # x: int, new location to reach on x-axis
  # y: int, new location to reach on y-axis
  # time: int, number of frames to move the object.
  #       OR float, between 0 and 1 if interp_type is :unlim
  # interp_type: type of interpolation, default is :decel . type available:
  # :accel, :decel, :lerp, :hermite, :cos, :sin, :unlim
  def start_move(x,y, time, interp_type= :decel)
    @interp_type = interp_type
    @total_time = time.to_f # Convert to float (used later)
    @to_x = x # Final location to reach
    @to_y = y
    @current_iteration = 0 # Frame Counter
    @start_smooth = true # Start Execution Boolean
  # Update every frame
  unless method_defined? :interpolation_treb777_update # prevent F12 bug
    alias :interpolation_treb777_update :update
    def update
  # Update the interpolated movement, depending on the interpolation type
  def update_move
    return unless @start_smooth # Exit if Start is false
    factor = @current_iteration/@total_time # How much of total time done.
    case @interp_type # Select the right methods
    when :decel
      self.x = Interp_Mod.decel(self.x, @to_x, factor)
      self.y = Interp_Mod.decel(self.y, @to_y, factor)
    when :accel
      self.x = Interp_Mod.accel(self.x, @to_x, factor)
      self.y = Interp_Mod.accel(self.y, @to_y, factor)
    when :cos
      self.x = Interp_Mod.coserp(self.x, @to_x, factor)
      self.y = Interp_Mod.coserp(self.y, @to_y, factor)
    when :sin
      self.x = Interp_Mod.sinerp(self.x, @to_x, factor)
      self.y = Interp_Mod.sinerp(self.y, @to_y, factor)
    when :lerp
      self.x = Interp_Mod.lerp(self.x, @to_x, factor)
      self.y = Interp_Mod.lerp(self.y, @to_y, factor)
    when :hermite
      self.x = Interp_Mod.hermite(self.x, @to_x, factor)
      self.y = Interp_Mod.hermite(self.y, @to_y, factor)
    when :unlim
      self.x = Interp_Mod.lerp_unlim(self.x, @to_x, @total_time)
      self.y = Interp_Mod.lerp_unlim(self.y, @to_y, @total_time)
    @current_iteration += 1 # Increase Iteration
    # Check if end is reached
    @start_smooth = false if @current_iteration == @total_time

Should be compatible without problems. :)

Here is a Demo Script, that you can put before main, and after those previous 2 script:
[rgss]a = Sprite.new
a.bitmap = Bitmap.new(10,10)
a.bitmap.fill_rect(0,0,10,10, Color.new(255,0,0))
a.x = 10
a.y = 10
a.start_move(100,200,200, :hermite)
loop do
  break if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
I agree with Zeriab; this is a neat piece of scripting that's relatively easy to use... I doubt that many will use it, though, as it's not all that self-explanatory (however that shouldn't be a problem, as it's a scripting tool).

Keep up the excellent work :thumb:



BlueScope":gz9yay1t said:
I agree with Zeriab; this is a neat piece of scripting that's relatively easy to use... I doubt that many will use it, though, as it's not all that self-explanatory (however that shouldn't be a problem, as it's a scripting tool).

Keep up the excellent work :thumb:

I thought it was self-explanatory :huh:
Can you tell me which parts you don't think are self-explanatory? (Keep it mind that I only consider for scripters)
Yeah, you got me wrong there ^^ I meant it's not self-explanatory for the community, however it is self-explanatory for scripters, which is okay as it's a scripting tool ^^

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