No, the input commands in the conditional branch is used for other stuff.
The conditional branch event is used as an if... else... statement, which means that if a condition is met, something will happen. Like this:
@>Conditional Branch: The B Button is Being Pressed
@>Text: -,-, Normal, Bottom
: : Hello World!
: Else
: Branch End
What does this do?
Well, first you call a Conditional Branch. If you press the B button, which is Escape in real, a text will apear, Hello World!
If you dont press the B button, nothing is happening.
(To check which input buttons are set for which key, start up your game and press F1. After this go to Keyboard or something. There you can assign new keys.)
To answer your question, I think you have to search for a character input script for VX,
I think THIS might be a script you can use:
viewtopic.php?f=11&t=59160. If not, try search the forum with the search button on top.