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Individual Commands

I edited this instead of making a new thread.

Is there a way I can enter another skill command under a category?
For example: here's the list:

Blk. Magic
Wht. Magic

Can someone make a script to have this work? Maybe that they have to be a certain attribute or something to have this commmand, otherwise if they only have one, like:


The monk doesn't have a second set, so instead of having a blank one right under the default one, everything is moved up. Can this be done?
But it's confusing to me. I thought I saw another one.

Well, I edited what I wanted, since it's still under that sort of category. Thanks though.
Confusing? Tell me what you don't understand and maybe I can clear things up for you. There are alot of things in that script, but you don't have to know how to use everything in it

But All you have to do with my script is make a copy of the original skill command and change the name and the usuable skill set, for example
The original SKill command
id		2
name		Skill
kind		1
next_method	start_skill_select

and you could edit it to include all magic of one type like so
id		2
name		Black Magic
kind		1
skill_set       skill.element_set.include?(17)
next_method	start_skill_select

This way all skills that the character knows that have the element id 17 will appear on the skill list.
I want them seperate though. For design and finding purposes. I think that because there was a lot to the script, that I got confused.

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