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Individual Battle Commands by Charlie Lee

Yay. Many thanks, Charlie. Gonna implant it to my script. :)

Edit: Hmm, there is no >>>Shift<<< key to change the skills command like your CTB...
  Hey Shadow, change the placement of your scripts. Place this one right before MAIN. If that don't work, put the cogwheels right before MAIN. Little things like that can blow cities out of existences.

  As for Charlie-Mother Fucking-Lee, get out of my head. Almost every script you made so far, I would think about before you post them. "Damn I need an enhancement system... I wonder if Charlie-Lee has read that thought yet..." and of course, you did. You provide such beautiful scripts with great usefulness. Don't stop the awesome work man.

PS> Could you make a physical script that I can make love to? I feel I owe your work.
When I placed this one right before MAIN, I got the error. If I put the RTAB right before MAIN, it works. However, after following the instructions in the script, and made an Elemental called CMD White Magic, and setted the skill "Heal" elemental to CMD White Magic, the command in battle is still called Skill, and the first skill for this charater is Heal.

Somethig I've done wrong?
@Black Shadow
As you can see, it's modeled to work with the default battle system. And it should work with other BS that follow the same mechanics (from a code point of view).
Here, from that screen you posted, it looks like Cogwheels RTAB doesn't use @active_battler... not in the same way the default BS does, at least.
I will try and see if something can be modified in a general way, so that it doesn't compromise compatibility with the default BS, or a patch is needed. 
Stay tuned.
As a side note, i suggest Individual Battle Commands to be put after any Custom Battle System script.

That SHIFT feature is a pain... It's going to be a lot of troubles with many custom menu systems, so i didn't consider to include it in this script. Ask you preferred Menu Systems Scripter for a little patch ;).

EDIT: just added a Cogwheels RTAB compatible version.
This is definetly something to be rewarded for! Good job dude! I'm glad that it is easy to use for us non-scripters who don't know Sh*t bout scripting...

Thanks dude!
Definitly a Greatest Hit Script.



when i try to attack i get the error;
Script 'Individual Battle Commands' line 130: NoMethodError occurred.
undefined method 'current_acton' for nil:NilClass

and when i try to select custom skill, nothing happens

edit: I get this error when i try to select anything but the custom skill



i only use the default BS.
I also use cogwheels play and plug menu bars but i added that after words and it does the same thing. Also i changed the message scripts to display an extra window with the characters name and show the charcters face in the window, but i don't beleive that has anything to do with it
This script works great for me and im very gratefull you made it compatible with rtab.

id really like to use this in my project so im curious about two things,

1st the menu pops up dependant on the battlers, can it be constrained very small intoand in to a corner like in your baatlesystem? i assume # * Actor Command Window Setup is the area to fiddle with this but im not terribly code literate :(

and 2nd is there a way to make it compatible with the Laura's Escape Script?

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