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Let me first start out by saying that the lack of battle animations on this forum makes my heart very, very sad! lol But I intend to change that, well at least for today anyway.  This is my first post (not counting requests) in attempt to give back to the community.  I figured this came out passable enough to share with you all.

So what is it? It's a spell animation of Namco/Bandai's "Indignation" from Tales of the Abyss, of course I added my own flare to it, so it doesn't look EXACTLY like it, but I think you can tell where its origins come from.

So here it is, the set and a video of it in ACTION!

C+C welcomed. Let me know what you think (especially all you Tales fans!) Always looking to improve! ^_^

Animation Set:
http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b168/ ... ation2.png

Everything seen in the video with the exception of my cut-ins.

http://s19.photobucket.com/albums/b168/ ... ip0001.flv

The video is kinda laggy and a bit small, but you'll at least get the idea of how it looks.

If anyone wants a demo, I'll be happy to upload one for you. =D

Best Regards,

King Matthew
haha thats really good, it reminds me of one of those special magics in golden sun.

one thing i noticed though at least in the video is that some of the frames are a pixel or two off. It makes it look like some of them dont match up.

also, at the very end of the magic, when it goes back and shows the monsters again, you should add some kind of explosion or something like that to show that the monsters actually got hit by that magic, instead of how you have it, it looks like the lightning happened in the sky and then the monsters took damage. You can't tell that they actually got hit by it.

other than that it looks great and pretty well done.
keep it up.
this is pretty cool! its not so much like the indignation in symphonia, which is the tales game that im used to, but its still pretty good.

PS. a demo would be amazing, some of us here suck at setting up animations. :\
Hey guys! Thanks for the comments!

@ Lost_In_Exsistance: It wasn't the video, for some reason when I added the animations in Photoshop It got all choppy and weren't in the same placement in their little "boxes" if you will.  I was just much too lazy to fix this about a week ago, but I know it will look like ten times better once I fix it.  And about that explosion I think I'm going to look into that.

@ lordnick5000: Yeah, I've never played Symphonia, but I did play Radiant Mythology and from what I hear has Symphonia's Indignation?  I could be wrong though.  But I just felt so inclined to do it because everytime I play Abyss and Jade says "INDIGNATION" there is just so much rage and passion that it gives me chills! lol Yeah, but I'm going to put up a demo once I fix all those little annoying things.

@ Mimi Chan: lol my friend said the exact same thing! Yeah I'm going to fix that for you guys!

Thanks to everyone else who commented too!

King Matthew
Uuhhg, no offense but I hate having to click on things.
is just so much nicer :\
Enough nitpicking...

As for the animation and video itself, it's not bad actually.  No offense I was expecting much worse.  But like others it really seems like a lot of pizazz with little substance outside of a suddenly large damage display.  Fleeting back to the monsters and showing even an electrical flux and a large pulse flash (err... explosion with electrical lines), or something would really bring it back together.

I dunno if it's the video or not, but the purple pulse (for lack of a better word), the single strand of purple that fades out at the top and bottom (2nd row, all the way to the left in the animation sheet), looks miss sized to the circles they come out of, like there's an uneven amount of space to the left and right from the circle (could just be the video).  Bad example using random numers: there's 15 empty pixels to the left, and 14 empty pixels to the right, like somethings off kilter.

It's like in a very visual movie, a sword fight.  I hate those scenes where it's all flash and pizazz with lots of quick cuts and snap outs and suddenly someone falls.  All you saw was bodies running around, lots of sword flashes, but no actual damage.  All the effort into setting up action, and then never showing the knock out punch can really dampen the effect.

Also, I suggest for future video use starting the recording after you already have the maker open.  Actually, a test play from the database with one actor would cut down on the wait greatly.  I'm downloading a friend's 4 albums, the load time was extensive considering the bulk of the video was getting to the battle animation.

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