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increadible hulk (also iron man, avengers, etc)

so i just saw incredible hulk and i liked it a lot. the fight scenes and shit were totally badass (ie. no pussy martial arts shit but just GIANTS BASHING THE FUCK OUT OF EACH OTHER) it was brutal and raw and totally my kind of fighting. beyond that the movie wasn't really SPECTACULAR but it was really solid. it's been said that it's just as good as iron man and i'd agree. it's a very different feel from iron man but it's definitely got the same QUALITY to it as a film. the highlight is definitely the hulk scenes and shit but there's a lot on edward norton's "Regular" bruce banner too and it's really nice.

the best thing about the movie i'd say (other than the way the fight scenes were handled) is that it isn't an ORIGIN STORY THANK GOD. the origin story is explained in a montage behind the opening credits and referenced throughout the movie. SO MANY superhero movies these days are bogged down by telling the origin story, and this does a really nice job of putting it behind and just getting to the shit that people want to see.

the ending hints at the avengers in a pretty cool way when tony stark shows up. this time, we don't even have to wait through the credits (i didn't wait, so there's a chance there was more afterwards (a pretty decent chance that there's another nick fury scene actually but i dont know)). there were also lots of shit that totally could have been/were referencing CAPTAIN AMERICA's own origin story within the movie.

i mean when i first heard of the plans for the avengers shit i was really excited, after seeing iron man i started really looking forward to it and now i can't wait. hurry up with captain america and thor!! >:eek:

ps. if you don't know what i'm talking about just do some google searching on the avengers movie. or somebody else explain i am tired and going to sleep. goodnight.
I haven't yet seen the Hulk movie but I no doubt will enjoy it.

About the Iron Man movie, although Robert Downy Jr. did an amazing job of Iron Man, and the entire movie was a cinematographic masterpiece, I agree that the 'Origin Story' that most Super Hero movies are wrapped around really bogs the whole production down. Almost as though they are put out there to gauge the reaction of the audience to see if it is a franchise that is worth continuing (Spider-Man?)

There is an animated movie that came out in 2007 called the Invincible Iron Man, which is a more accurate, less 'lawl arab terrorist' themed movie that deals with Iron Man's origins, but in a different way. Once the initial introduction was over, rather than a building montage showing Tony Stark's development of the true Iron Man suit, it reveals that he had already been building many different types of Iron Man suits over the last couple of years in secrecy. So not only are we skipping the whole trial-error testing scenario which was forced into a ridiculously small time-frame, there is now the full arraignment of different Iron Man suits, including the aquatic versions, the combat-oriented versions, etc. so that was very interesting.

Dude, an Avengers movie on top of everything would be bad ass.

I think it's glad that they made a better Hulk move to make up for the original, abysmal movie from years ago.  God that thing was horrible.
I totally agree with your review, Des.

I did wait through the credits, and there was nothing more, except the few remaining geeks in the crowd starting saying "Awwww ...." when it cut to black.

I'm sort of psyched about an Avengers movie, but IMO the only "cool" Avenger left is The Scarlet Witch, who could probably be paired with gay ass Quicksilver (*cough*flashripoff*cough*), but they probably won't do a movie about her. Cap America and Thor are cool, but ... Less cool, IMHO.

From what I've read, the Thor movie will debut in late 2009 (ok ... he's a god. what-the-fuck are they going to do there to keep it from coating over with a thick layer of cheese??), followed by Captain America in 2010.

I was heartily impressed that Samuel L. Jackson was not in that movie. That is probably one of the 2% of movies ever produced without him in it. Of course Nick Fury WAS mentioned in the opening credits, on like a piece of paper.

I did like Iron Man more, but I think that's because I like Tony Stark better as a character. The writing for this movie was still pretty good, and I was pleasantly surprised to see all the cute little cameos and easter eggs thrown in there so well (Lou Farrigno, the purple stretch pants, etc).

Abomination in particular looked badass. Also the quick little origin of The Leader was funny.

I really didn't spoil anything, because I didn't say how/when they appear. Just watch for that shit in the movie :3
Prexus":33w4r96n said:
In addition to the Captain America/Thor movies that are planned, there is a sequel to Iron Man planned as well.
Duh. We don't need a news announcement to know there'll at least be four. :l
I've seen a lot of people criticize the movie because Hulk didn't speak much.

Learn2SavageHulk, noobs.

Anyway, great film. Absolutely loved it. Doc Samson is going to be in the next one for sure.
Venetia":72lww8ic said:
I'm sort of psyched about an Avengers movie, but IMO the only "cool" Avenger left is The Scarlet Witch, who could probably be paired with gay ass Quicksilver (*cough*flashripoff*cough*), but they probably won't do a movie about her. Cap America and Thor are cool, but ... Less cool, IMHO.

Haha, Scarlet Witch wouldn't be in any Avengers movie anyway. She wasn't part of the original and joined at a much, much later date.

Thor is infinitely cooler than her, anyway.
I still think it's going to be cheesy when they introduce him in the movie. As a single character, he's badass, but he always strikes me as strange as hell when you try to throw him into the more "realistic" worlds of Hulk/Capn/Iron Man. I just can't see how Hollywood'll write it in a way that'll be easy to stomach for both comic book fans AND the general populace alike. Because you know, even though they seem to have the fans in mind, their real money comes from the schmoes who only know of those characters from hearsay and/or 1970's TV shows (of which Thor had none ... I think? There were a lot back then ...).
I don't follow. Thor has always been in direct continuity with the rest of the Marvel world, and always meshed well. I don't see what would change for the film.
Because ... He's a god?

Odin plunks him down on earth and makes him believe he's a gimpy medical student. Then he finds his hammer, and goes "ocrap i am a god lol". It's just, all I keep imagining for the first 30 minutes of the movie is like, the norse gods all up in heaven, and Thor is stomping around trying to be a badass, then he goes too far, and pisses off Loki or something, and then Odin is all, "brr, you need to go learn how to have humility and stuff", then [[1 year later.....]], Thor (aka Blake) is like, trying to do surgery and shit, then ... Gah, I can't remember how he found his hammer, but he finds it eventually, and is like, "wow.....i"ve been a god the whole time........i must protect the world......."

I just can't get that idea out of my head. Maybe they'll skip the origin story like they did with Hulk, but I don't think Thor is well-known enough to totally skip it.

Of course I don't know a whole lot about the next "generations" of his story. Maybe they'll just pick up on one of those.
A very human god, for one. Also, his human alter-egos have been retconned, so I don't think they'll be using those.

If you still have qualms with him being a god, just think of it this way. The Norse, Olympic and Phaoroic pantheons that are represented within marvel have very little to distinguish them between regular super-powered beings except an unusually long life span and the fact that they were worshipped at one point. Hell, Apocalypse was also considered a god by many, but there is no real issue there.

Despite Thor being one of the toughest and most powerful son of a bitch within the MU, he is still on par with the other top tier beings. The term god in this case doesn't really lend much credence to anything else. It's not like his the One Above All (MU's equivalent to "THE" supreme "God") or anything like that.
I am just very intrigued by the somewhat ambiguous ending of The Incredible Hulk. If he does not, as the ending suggests he will, in fact gain control of his rage, then that will definitely be the plot for Avengers fim #1 (there are two already planned). But if he does, then I think they might go with the original Loki-centric plot, since they will have already introduced Thor.

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