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Improved impact rates

Improved impact rates
By: gerkrt/gerrtunk


This script completely revamps the classic impact rate calculations. Now you have
a full control of the random targets of the enemies.

You can set it now by:

-Positions in actor group

You can also set a Max and a Base impact rate values, and add a inernal correction
to any actor that can be temporal or not and is setted via script call.

Finally it adds the option to use the default clasic values for actors postions, but
now you can set the rate value of rear, front and mid guard.


Not valid for this script.


Get it here: http://usuarios.multimania.es/kisap/english_list.html

# Improved impact rate

# By gerkrt/gerrtunk

# Version: 1.0

# License: MIT, credits

# Date: 18/01/2010

# IMPORTANT NOTE: to acces the more actualitzed or corrected version of this 

# script check here: [url=http://usuarios.multimania.es/kisap/english_list.html]http://usuarios.multimania.es/kisap/english_list.html[/url]







This script completely revamps the classic impact rate calculations. Now you have

a full control of the random targets of the enemies.


You can set it now by:


-Positions in actor group






You can also set a Max and a Base impact rate values, and add a inernal correction

to any actor that can be temporal or not and is setted via script call.


Finally it adds the option to use the default clasic values for actors postions, but

now you can set the rate value of rear, front and mid guard.





Impact_rate['positions'][2] = 3

Impact_rate['positions'][1] = 2


Impact_rate['positions'][actor position] = rate




Impact_rate['actors'][1] = 5


Impact_rate['actors'][actor id] = rate




Impact_rate['classes'][1] = 1


Impact_rate['classes'][class id] = rate




Impact_rate['weapons'][1] = 1


Impact_rate['weapons'][weapon id] = rate




Impact_rate['armors'][1] = -1


Impact_rate['armors'][armor id] = rate


----FIXED AND TEMPORAL CHANGUES(script calls)-----


modify_impact_rate(actor, value): This will add to a internal variable that have each

actor. That atribute is added when calculating its posibilities. 


  modify_impact_rate(2, 4)

  This is adding 4 to the impact rate of the actor that have the id 2 in the database.


The difference of this and the actors value is that the actors value cant be modified.



modify_tmp_impact_rate(actor, value): This is like the other, but at the end of each

combat, its reseted to 0. It can be used for special effects.


  modify_tmp_impact_rate(3, -4)

  This is adding -4 to the temporal impact rate of the actor that have the id 3 in the 

  database. Note that in the two cases is valid to put negative numbers to compensate





Impact_rate_max : This is used to create a max for the times the actors are put

in the roulette. It can be interesting for someone thats lookig for tweaking the



Impact_rate_base : This is used to create a base value that will be added to all actors

It can be interesting for someone thats lookig for tweaking theformula.


Use_database_position : If not actived, it wont add the default impact rate of

the database. If you set it to the word false, it will be desactived.


You can set new values for the clasic options here:

Front_guard_rate = 4

Mid_guard_rate = 3

Rear_guard_rate = 2




Its an expansion of the classic one:


Each active and valid actor is added to the list n times, where n is the sum of:


Base rate

Clasic database position(if active)

All equipment rates

Class rate

Actor rate

Actor base rate

Actor temporal rate


Then is checked if that is more than the Max n, if so, it sets n to that Max.


So if all of them sum 15, and 15 is valid, it will add the actor 15 times to

the roulette. 


The script does that for all the actors, and then try for a random slot of the 

roulette list.


Note that any value of the script may have a negative value. Thats valid to 

for whatever you want, but, the minium of n is always 0.


Finally, only the defined values will be added, so, if a position or class

dont have any value for that, it will be ignored, like a default +0.




module Wep

    # Dont touch this

    Impact_rate =  {'positions' => [], 'actors' => [], 'classes' => [],'weapons' => [],'armors' => []}



    Impact_rate['positions'][0] = 0

    Impact_rate['positions'][2] = 3

    Impact_rate['positions'][1] = 2

    Impact_rate['positions'][3] = 1


    Impact_rate['weapons'][3] = 4

    Impact_rate['armors'][4] = -3

    Impact_rate['classes'][1] = 1

    Impact_rate['actors'][1] = 5



    Impact_rate_max = 20

    Impact_rate_base = 4


    Use_database_position = true


    Front_guard_rate = 4

    Mid_guard_rate = 3

    Rear_guard_rate = 2







# ** Interpreter 


# added two impact rate  methods to modify internal actor variables



class Interpreter


  # * Modifiy impact rate


  def modify_impact_rate(actor, val)

    $game_actors[actor].impact_rate_base += val




  # * Modifiy temporal impact rate


  def modify_tmp_impact_rate(actor, val)

    $game_actors[actor].impact_rate_temp += val






# ** Game_Party


# moded the random target method



class Game_Party


  # * Defined Random Selection of Target Actor

  #   It allows you to define enemy random target based on combat positions, 

  #   actor, class, weapon, armor, and internal actor variables


  def random_target_actor(hp0 = false)


    # Initialize roulette

    roulette = []


    # Loop

    count = 0

    # Iterate in active actors

    for actor in @actors


      # If it fits the conditions

      if (not hp0 and actor.exist?) or (hp0 and actor.hp0?)


      # Create the total number

      n = Wep::Impact_rate_base + Wep::Impact_rate['positions'][count] + actor.impact_rate  


        # Check if the use database position is active and apply it

        if Wep::Use_database_position

          # Get actor class [position]

          position = $data_classes[actor.class_id].position


          # Exchangue with defined values

          if position == 4

            position = Wep::Front_guard_rate

          elsif position == 3

            position = Wep::Mid_guard_rate


            position = Wep::Rear_guard_rate



          # Rest position values: Front guard: n = 4; Mid guard: n = 3; Rear guard: n = 2

          n -= position

          n = n.abs



        # Check for n max size

        if n > Wep::Impact_rate_max

          n = Wep::Impact_rate_max



        #p 'rand', n

        # Add actor to roulette n times

        n.times do









    # If roulette size is 0

    if roulette.size == 0

      return nil



    # Spin the roulette, choose an actor

    return roulette[rand(roulette.size)]






# ** Scene_Battle 


#  modified battle end method



class Scene_Battle 



  # * Battle Ends

  # moded to reset impact rate temp variables


  alias wep_ib_battle_end battle_end

  def battle_end(result)


    # Reset all game party actors temporal impact rate

    $game_party.actors.each {|i|i.impact_rate_temp = 0 }









# ** Game_Actor


# added two variables in setup and general impact rate method



class Game_Actor

  attr_accessor   :impact_rate_base

  attr_accessor   :impact_rate_temp

  attr_accessor   :impact_rate



  # * Setup

  # moded set internal variables


  alias ga_wep_ib_setup setup

  def setup(actor_id)


    @impact_rate_base = 0

    @impact_rate_temp = 0




  # * Impact Rate

  # sum all impact rates values 


  def impact_rate

    n = 0


    n += $data_weapons[@weapon_id].impact_rate if @weapon_id != 0

    n += $data_armors[@armor1_id].impact_rate if @armor1_id != 0

    n += $data_armors[@armor2_id].impact_rate if @armor2_id != 0

    n += $data_armors[@armor3_id].impact_rate if @armor3_id != 0

    n += $data_armors[@armor4_id].impact_rate if @armor4_id != 0


    n += $data_classes[@class_id].impact_rate

    n += $data_actors[@actor_id].impact_rate

    n += @impact_rate_base

    n += @impact_rate_temp


    return n.to_i != 0 ? n.to_i: 1






# ¦ RPG::Actor

# added impact rate support


class RPG::Actor


  attr_accessor :impact_rate



  # * Impact rate

  # moded to return the array values throught a internal method


  def impact_rate

     data = Wep::Impact_rate['actors']

     return data[@id] != nil ? data[@id] : 0





# ¦ RPG::Armor

# added impact rate support


class RPG::Armor

  attr_accessor :impact_rate



  # * Impact rate

  # moded to return the array values throught a internal method


  def impact_rate

     data = Wep::Impact_rate['armors']

     return data[@id] != nil ? data[@id] : 0






# ¦ RPG::Class

# added impact rate support


class RPG::Class

  attr_accessor :impact_rate



  # * Impact rate

  # moded to return the array values throught a internal method


  def impact_rate

     data = Wep::Impact_rate['classes']

     return data[@id] != nil ? data[@id] : 0






# ¦ RPG::Weapon

# added impact rate support


class RPG::Weapon


  attr_accessor :impact_rate 



  # * Impact rate

  # moded to return the array values throught a internal method


  def impact_rate

     data = Wep::Impact_rate['weapons']

     return data[@id] != nil ? data[@id] : 0





Nothing special. Just insert it before main.

Authors notes

All my scripts are in development and im open to suggestions, critics, bugs, etc.
Interesting, xD. Im creating it but it will take a very long time. That and a lot of AI improvements...

anyway you might want to check for some ai scripts, i think there are some, but i dont know if include this effect.



Great! Now we just need a script that stops the enemy from casting a state-inducing spell on an actor already with the state. :')
I have an script that do this, but for now, it's only for the ACBS .-.

If you decide to add that feature and got struck, take a look on the Automatic Actions Add-On of the ACBS, it might help.

Thank you for viewing

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