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If I wrote some poetry...

this is what it would be. ;)

To you I'd sing a heartfelt song.
I already have, a thousand times,
but you always get the meaning wrong.
I'd write you a story, a poem, a rhyme,
I'd give you a home, a house, or even my heart,
I'd feed you, serve you, and give you my drink,
I'd buy you jewels, flowers, and that's just to start.
I love you more than you'll ever think.
Yet I am so selfish.
If given the chance, you see,
my only wish
would be that you felt the same for me.
Shadow, shadow, why do you stay?
I feel your presence and hear your thoughts,
but I have a question, if I may?
In this world of millions of people,
why is it me your sights have caught?
Of this matter, I'd usually think little,
but you being here is troublesome
and a little freaky.
A single wish upon the stars
And the world is spinning in rainbow colors.
Who thought a thought could go this far?
Just a moment ago I was drowning in sorrows.
Now I'm bathed in a spirit light
and I feel the worlds spin around
In their almighty might.
I tried so hard not to make a sound,
But such an experience would make anyone fright.
When I snap back, what I've always found,
Is that nothing compares to a mid-summer night.
Would you like to be a part of my secret world?
My world of magic
and stories
and horrible beasts?
For a year you'll be near a pleasant spring
and in a second you'll be in the depths of hell.
Angels fly and demons soar
where people will die and clouds will form.
I can rise above and swim below
and grow wings and tails and non-human things.
At times my world will be
the most beautiful thing you'll ever see.
At times my world will be
the most horrible thing you'll ever see.
A shining raindrop will fall from a single leaf
and sparkle in the supernatural sunlight
only to fall to the ground and burst into flame.
Maidens will serve you the sweetest treats
and make you feel like something special.
Then you'll lay down in a soft, fluffy bed
and be swallowed and crushed by a black hole.
So wonderful and strange and full of pain,
my secret world is bittersweet.
The only way you'll ever truly see
is when I decide to pick up a pen.
This cup's a cup of a cup's cup
if that makes any sense whatsoever.
This cup called Cup creates a lot of questions.
Is Cup half full or half empty
or something else outside or in between?
But what's in this Cup that's such a pleasant cup?
It begs an answer which not too many people know:
A substance so light and pure
that it's a wonder Cup can hold so many.
Yet this cup of a cup of a cup's cup
is decorated so strangely and mysteriously
that the wisps don't mind their stay.
They float and glide and play all day
trying to read what Cup is and what it has to say.
Silenced by the constant noise,
how can I talk without a voice?
I hear you all in constant chatter,
saying all but what does matter.
Listening is all I'm good for,
nothing greater, nothing more,
but there's a place for me in here;
I can hear your silent tears.
All this time without a say
has given me quite a mysterious way
of being able to see what's inside
and everything you try to hide.
So tell me now, get it off your chest,
tell me something you wouldn't tell the rest.
What do you have to fear?
Your secrets will never reach another ear.
Silenced by the constant noise,
how can I talk without a voice?
Alone in the darkest of rooms,
I know someone...something will approach me soon.
I can see perfectly, yet I feel I'm blind
And now I'm just waiting for something to find.
Is it just me, or did the room get colder?
I urge you spirits to get closer; every second I'm getting older.
Death has made you slow to move,
But I still have life and something to prove.
Now it's becoming hard to breathe.
This is why I choose to believe.
A door slams shut in the distance,
Something that very much makes a difference.
The souls of the dead should be here,
But now it's something else, I fear.
I cannot move my legs or arms!
This is cause for the most alarm!
Panic! Panic! Here it comes!
Oh how I wish that I could run!
What have I gotten myself into?
If only one more time, I -
Now I wander,
but can you see me?
You say I'm bound,
yet I feel free
to pass through you like air
and hang by that tree.
I don't know where I'm going,
but I know where I want to be.
Invisible to your eyes,
you'll never see
how I'll always be lost
and always feel free.
I gave you my body,
my heart,
and my soul.
You weren't just "somebody".
I thought I was smart,
but I was wrong.
You left me.
My feet grew cold,
my heart stopped its beat,
and my soul became stone.
You watched me shatter
and you didn't care.
I was a statue,
only able to sit and stare.
All alone, I gave up hope
and you were gone.
Darkness hold me
in your infinite embrace
Only you can show me
what sorrows you'll erase
And please believe me
when I say this isn't wrong
What you have shown me
is that Nothing can be a heartfelt song
Others cannot judge me
when they've never seen your face
Darkness hold me
in your sweet embrace
You won't be able to read this poem at all. It's not a language, but I wanted to see if I could create emotion with the sounds it creates. It's an experiment, so let me know what you feel after reading this. ;)

Aneema karah sallu nae,
dallah vira divah may.
Safar du lanna vi ni fa
illanius dakarah sa na va.
Diffuum serah tika verr.
Tallanus fira nerv.
Aneema karah sallu nae.

My poetry can be a little strange in terms of subject and rhyme schemes, but it makes it uniquely mine. Also, I really don't want to go back and edit any of my poetry. You can make suggestions for future poems, but every time I've tried editing my poetry it comes out worse because it loses the initial feeling. As William Wordsworth said,
"Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility."



I like "My secret World" the most. And in my opinion, poetry is only strange to those who cannot relate to the poem. I wrote something as well, hope you don't mind.
They say life is short, well days without you are so long,
every other week you'd come home but in few days you'd be gone,
though I'm surprised on how you keep coming back, given the way I treat you,
I'd probably give you away in a snap for a fresh pair of sneakers,
because your never there when I need you, and I hate you for that,
but you keep a roof over my head and nice clothes on my back,
In fact, there are many things that you do so great,
And I love how I can take you anywhere because you're loved in every state,
I love seeing your big face, It feels so good when I hold you,
and show you to my friends as I unfold you,
I've told you that I'll never let you go, but you knew that was a lie,
I'd probably trade you in a blink of an eye for the first thing I could find,
And I don't know why, when you're so hard to come buy,
I swear I'll do anything I can to get you back on my side,
so I'm back on my grind, just to be with you,
damn I envy those that get to see you more then I do.

Hey, could you do me a favor and not derail other people's threads? You're more than welcome to make a thread of your own, but this is for Guardian's poetry. ~Perihelion
Thanks, No ID! I commented on your poem in your thread. :thumb:

New poem:
Silenced by the constant noise,
how can I talk without a voice?
I hear you all in constant chatter,
saying all but what does matter.
Listening is all I'm good for,
nothing greater, nothing more,
but there's a place for me in here;
I can hear your silent tears.
All this time without a say
has given me quite a mysterious way
of being able to see what's inside
and everything you try to hide.
So tell me now, get it off your chest,
tell me something you wouldn't tell the rest.
What do you have to fear?
Your secrets will never reach another ear.
Silenced by the constant noise,
how can I talk without a voice?
Add two new ones: Panic and Lost. Enjoy! ;)

Alone in the darkest of rooms,
I know someone...something will approach me soon.
I can see perfectly, yet I feel I'm blind
And now I'm just waiting for something to find.
Is it just me, or did the room get colder?
I urge you spirits to get closer; every second I'm getting older.
Death has made you slow to move,
But I still have life and something to prove.
Now it's becoming hard to breathe.
This is why I choose to believe.
A door slams shut in the distance,
Something that very much makes a difference.
The souls of the dead should be here,
But now it's something else, I fear.
I cannot move my legs or arms!
This is cause for the most alarm!
Panic! Panic! Here it comes!
Oh how I wish that I could run!
What have I gotten myself into?
If only one more time, I -
Now I wander,
but can you see me?
You say I'm bound,
yet I feel free
to pass through you like air
and hang by that tree.
I don't know where I'm going,
but I know where I want to be.
Invisible to your eyes,
you'll never see
how I'll always be lost
and always feel free.


Awesome Bro

If you wrote some poetry...


... I'd laugh at you, like this;


Now for something completely different...

I liked Soul of Stone, and Panic...

Now do some poems that involve killing a family of jews with a paperclip and feasting on their remains followed by shoving their remains up your arse...

THEN it'll get interesting.

Thank you for viewing

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