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Icedmetal57's Mining

Icedmetal57's Mining
Version: 1.0


My reasons for making this were, a)to make a mining system easier for me to set up for my game, and b)well pretty much just a.

This is a mining script that allows for experience and levels, if you wish, along with changing probability for mining a certain ore. It's not hard to set up either.

  • Set up easily
  • Allow for mining skill level and experience
  • Allow for more than one 'ore' to be mined from any rock
  • Allow for having a chance of not finding something and have it based off your mining skill level, if enabled
And that's about it, for now.

Screen Shots

Sorry guys, no screen shots.


I didn't feel like making a demo for this, mainly because I made this for my own game and just didn't have time to make a demo, and because it's a simple setup.


# ** Icedmetal57's Mining
# Author    Icedmetal57
# Version   1.0
# Date      July 3rd, 2007
# Description
# A mining script that allows for experience and levels, if you wish, along with
# changing probability for mining a certain ore.
# Instructions
# Go to the section EDIT HERE and edit the things according to what you wish. To
# set up an event so you can mine an ore from it, add the following comments...
# Comment: Mine_Ore
# Comment: Ore [n1,n2]
# This script will choose 1 item randomly from the Ore array in the comments,
# so change the n's to the item ids you wish to choose randomly from.
# Example:
# Comment: Mine_Ore
# Comment: Ore [71,12]
# In your mining attempt for this example, it will choose either 71 or 12
# Compatability
# Requires SDK version 2.2 parts 1 and 3.
# Script Changes
# â–¼ This script aliases:
# - Scene_Map > main_window
# - Scene_Map > update
# â–¼ This script adds methods:
# - Scene_Map > set_ore
# - Scene_Map > mine
# - Scene_Map > in_direction? Credit to Near_Fantastica for this one
# - Scene_Map > in_range? Credit to Near_Fantastica for this one

# * SDK Log Script
SDK.log("Icedmetal57's Mining", "Icedmetal57", 1.0, "July 3rd, 2007")
# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.enabled?("Icedmetal57's Mining") == true

Mine_Animation = 109 # Animation ID displayed when mining.
Mining_Level_Up_Animation = 1 # Animation ID displayed when mining levels up.
Mine_Wait = 7 # Delay between each mining attempt, in seconds.
Mine_Activate_Key = Input::A # Key you have to press to mine.
# If true, Mining_Pick is a weapon id and you must have it equipped.
Mining_Pick_Weapon = true
Mining_Pick = 202 # Item ID or Weapon ID of Pick Axe which is required to mine.
Mine_Level_Enabled = true # Set true if you'd like to have levels for your mining.
# Probability that you'll get that ore.
# Ore_Probability = {Ore_ID => percent chance to get it, Ore_ID => percent...
Ore_Probability = {515 => 50, 515 => 50
# If Ore_Probability does not contain a certain Ore ID, then it'll refer to the
# default probability.
Default_Probability = 50
# Determines if you gain exact amount of exp, or not, otherwise you'll gain exp
# based off your level. The formula for the exp that way, is (exp/level) * 2
Exact_Ore_Exp_Gain = false
# Probability that you'll get that ore.
# Ore_Exp = {Ore_ID => exp, Ore_ID => percent...
Ore_Exp = {514 => 3, 515 => 3
# If Ore_Exp does not contain a certain Ore ID, then it'll refer to the
# default probability.
Default_Exp = 3


class Scene_Map
  # * Alias Listings
  alias_method :mining_scene_map_update, :update
  alias_method :mining_scene_map_main_window, :main_window
  # * Main Processing
  def main_window
    @mine_button_mash = 0
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    @mine_button_mash -= 1 if @mine_button_mash > 0
    pick = $game_party.actors[0].weapon_id
    if (Mining_Pick_Weapon and Mining_Pick == pick) or (Mining_Pick_Weapon != true and $game_party.item_number(Mining_Pick) > 0)
      if Input.trigger?(Mine_Activate_Key) and @mine_button_mash <= 0
        for e in $game_map.events.values
          #Skip the enemy if its not close by or not facing
          next if !in_direction?($game_player, e) or !in_range?($game_player, e, 1)
          ore = set_ore(e)
          return if ore == 0 or ore == nil or ore < 0
          @mine_button_mash = Mine_Wait * 10
          e.animation_id = Mine_Animation
  # * Set Ore(Event)
  def set_ore(event)
    #Get the parameters
    parameters = SDK.event_comment_input(event, 1, "Mine_Ore")
    #Skip if the paramete is NIL
    return 0 if parameters.nil?
    #Set Ore
    o = parameters[0].split
    ore = eval(o[1])
    ore2 = ore[rand(ore.size)]
    return ore2
  # * Mine(Ore Item ID)
  def mine(ore)
    r = rand(100)
    prob = Ore_Probability.has_key?(ore) ? Ore_Probability[ore] : Default_Probability
    mining_level = Mine_Level_Enabled ? $game_party.actors[0].mining_level : prob
    receive_ore = mining_level + prob / 2
    if r <= receive_ore.to_i
      if Mine_Level_Enabled
        exp = Ore_Exp.has_key?(ore) ? Ore_Exp[ore] : Default_Exp
        $game_party.actors[0].gain_mining_exp(exp, Exact_Ore_Exp_Gain)
      $scene = Scene_Mine_Item.new(ore)
  # * In Range?(Element, Object, Range) - Near Fantastica
  def in_range?(element, object, range)
    x = (element.x - object.x) * (element.x - object.x)
    y = (element.y - object.y) * (element.y - object.y)
    r = x + y
    return true if r <= (range * range)
    return false
  # * In Direction?(Element, Object) - Near Fantastica
  def in_direction?(subject, object)
    return true if subject.direction == 2 and object.y >= subject.y and object.x == subject.x
    return true if subject.direction == 4 and object.x <= subject.x and object.y == subject.y
    return true if subject.direction == 6 and object.x >= subject.x and object.y == subject.y
    return true if subject.direction == 8 and object.y <= subject.y and object.x == subject.x
    return false
# ** Window_Mine_Item
#  This window displays the item you received from mining.

class Window_Mine_Item < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(ore)
    super(208, 0, 224, 96)
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
    @ore = ore
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    self.contents.font.size = 14
    item = $data_items[@ore]
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, self.width-32, 32, 'You Mined...',1)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    draw_item_name(item, 0, 32)

class Scene_Mine_Item
  # * Object Initialization
  #     ore_id     : item ID of ore
  def initialize(ore)
    @ore = ore
  # * Main Processing
  def main
    @spriteset = Spriteset_Map.new
    @mine_item = Window_Mine_Item.new(@ore)
    @mine_item.y = 320 if $game_player.screen_y < 240
    # Execute transition
    # Main loop
    loop do
      # Update game screen
      # Update input information
      # Frame update
      # Abort loop if screen is changed
      if $scene != self
    # Prepare for transition
    # Dispose of windows
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B) or Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Play cancel SE
      # Switch to menu screen
      $scene = Scene_Map.new

# ** Game_Actor
#  This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
#  ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  # * Aliasing Objects
  alias_method :mining_game_actor_setup, :setup
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader :mining_level, :mining_exp
  # * Setup
  #     actor_id : actor ID
  def setup(actor_id)
    @mining_level = 1
    @mining_exp = 0
  # * Gain Mining Level (or lose)
  #     level : increase amount of Mining level
  def gain_mining_level(level=1)
    @mining_level = [[@mining_level + level, 1].max, 100].min
  # * Lose Mining Level
  #     level : decrease amount of Mining level
  def lose_mining_level(level=1)
  # * Change EXP of mastery skill
  #     exp : amount of exp change
  #     exact : determines if you want to gain the exact amount of exp, or not
  def gain_mining_exp(exp, exact=false)
    if @mining_level < 100
      result = exact ? exp : (exp/@mining_level.to_f) * 2.00
      @mining_exp += result if @mining_level < 100
      if @mining_exp >= 100 and @mining_level < 100
        self.damage = "~Mining Leveled Up~"
        $game_player.animation_id = Mining_Level_Up_Animation
        @mining_exp -= 100
        @mining_exp = 100 if @mining_level == 100
      @mining_exp = 100 if @mining_level == 100

# * End SDK Enable Test


Change the few variables at the top of the script, below the comments. All you need to do is add the following comments to an event to allow you to mine from it.

Comment: Mine_Ore
Comment: Ore [71,12]

For example if you wanted to be able to mine item 71 or 12, then this how you'd set it up, if you wanted to have just one item.

Comment: Mine_Ore
Comment: Ore [81]

You have to have the brackets and the number inside it is the item id from the database.


None so far.


Requires SDK version 2.2, parts 1 and 3.

Credits and Thanks

Credits go to myself, Icedmetal57, and Near Fantastica for a couple methods, also the SDK team for allowing me to make this easily compatible for many of you.

Terms and Conditions

If you intend to use this in your game, please credit both Icedmetal57 and Near Fantastica, and if you intend to use this in a commercial release, please let me know ahead of time, also give credit to both Icedmetal57 and Near Fantastica.
Nice, seems really good. I will try then post back my thoughts. There was a script similar made by Prexus, which was great, except non-SDK. I have question, is it possible to have the script spawn random mining events according to tile number? Like, you customize the script, say TILE_NUMBER = 6. So, all tiles with the number 6, "could" spawn an event. You can even put a way to configure how often certain ores can be spawned, etc. and so forth. May be something to look into, no? But again, great script, I look forward to use. We can never have to many scripters, no? ;)
This is great...can i make a suggestion men?...

Can you agree necesary level to mine certain types of Ores?... something like this..

Ore_Necesarylevel= {1 => 1, 2 => 3} to customize the script.

for example to mine Gold you need a level of 10 in Mining.
I meant terrain tag, very sorry! I forgot what it was called, momentary brain spasm! I thought, maybe that would "probably" take the load off of having tons of events on one map, and make it a bit more random, no? Just a suggestion is all!
And I haven't found any problems, and I like how it's configurable. Again, great job! XD
Yes I could do that. The thing is, I created it this way, because I was already using the terrain tags for a fishing system for my game, and like I said at the top, I made this for my game and decided to share it, but yes I could do it that way if you'd like, I just don't feel like doing it right now, due to my laziness, thus being the reason why you don't see a lot of scripts by me, and because most of mine I made for my own game and weren't the greatest in compatibility and only worked with other scripts I had.
You needed to change that variable which was Mine_Activate_Key. I forgot to change it myself when posting it. I edited the first post, so all you have to do is recopy it.
Read the Instructions at the top
To insert the script... Fine
Copy the cading here then paste it in the script editor on rpg maker

@icedMettal- Will this work for VX or just xp
or is it for Vx and won't work for xp
or will it work for both... We shall never know....or shall we...(lol)
If you look at the date this was posted, it says that it was posted before VX was released, which shows that it was for XP, therefore it was not made for VX, I have not done anything with VX, nor have I really used it. If you want to try it out for VX fine, if it works, great, if not, oh well, as this was made in XP.
Well, it doesn't have to be that hard, scripting it in pure ruby will allow it to be used for both XP and VX, like what DemonFire does. But a good script nonetheless. Nice job. =)


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