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I need...

I Always find some HP and SP bars that apperar on the Map...

Some of them have EXP bars too, but i need only a EXP bar, that appear in a position that i can choose...

I think this is a simple request... Someone can make it?
Not to sound mean, but this is not really something scripters will waste their time on. It is a fairly simple task, and reading that tut should show you how to do it. This is one of those things that if you are serious about your game, you either find it or learn the basics to do this. Feel free to ask for help in a help topic, but for request, this is on the boring side of things.

Don't get snappy with someone offering some advice to you. That's rude.

But maybe someone will help you out. Just don't get your hopes up. That's all we are saying.
Yeah thats what they mean. If you read it right he already has a HUD he likes that didnt come with an EXP bar and he wants someone to make one for him or something to that extent.

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