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I need Art

Hi you fine RMXP.org picture makers.

My name is Isopaha and i am from finland, so sorry for my english.

But, i am writing stories about everything. I have make fantasy stories and sci-fi, but now i will make gansta story.

When i have write some, i will make homesite. But now, i need your help. I need some art in the site.

I need:
- Some who can make map of Falltown (city of story, where all will happen. It is not real town and it is in America.
- Some to make banner (Thing what will come up of the site. There should be some ganstaman's in picture: http://www.recoilmag.com/news/grfx/new_gangsta_trend_0902orgB.jpg http://www.fmft.net/archives/gangsta 13/gangsta 7.JPG , like this.)
- Artwork maker ( He must do some artwork, like make a picture of story's maincharecters
- Tagmaker (Should make pictures like this http://www.area.co.il/pin/79840images/GAngsta.jpg and there must read few gang names.

All who will make pictures, will get their names in the site.

If you are interested, post here or
MSN kanankoipi_@hotmail.com
E-mail Isopaha@gmail.com
PM Isopaha

Shadow_Strike;139033 said:
Well, I'm feeling good for drawing some characters, though I need to know what kinda mess I'm getting into first.

Clad you're good drawing.

My gansta project is not quite serious project. I am goint to make this like my hobby.
arcthemonkey;139889 said:
Is this for an RMXP game? If so it's in the wrong forum...

Tell me if it is so I can move it if it needs to be.

Like i said, this is writing project, not RPG maker project ;)

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