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I need a Suikoden-like Combo system, plz take a look...

Hi there!
As mentionned, I'm looking for a specific script...Here's what I want:
For every character, there is a special combo he can do with another one, once per battle.
For example, you have Shiro and Ryuk in the same party. When you choose the "DualAtk" command (this command needs to be added too.. :p ) with Shiro and choose Ryuk for the other character, they do their combo.
(For those who played the suikoden series, you know what I want)
The battle system is a side-view one, with animated battlers.(I'm currently using Minkoff's side view animated battlers)
Of course, when the characters do their combo, they run to the monster and you see an animation :P
I did something like that in RPGM 2K3 and it worked somewhat well...Take a look:

I wonder if it can be done in XP?
Is there a script that has already been done that I can use for that?
Can this be done by other means?
Or will I have to stick to 2K3 until the end of my life? lol
If someone can answer that, plz, I need it!



You can sorta emulate this like the real thing.


With this script, once Ryuk and Shiro (yay!) choose some sort of skill (like "Super Slash" and "Uber Cut" respectively... yeah, I never played the game before so bare with me), the script recognizes the combo and the two of them do a different attack called "Double Slice" or whatever.

For the animations, you can show both characters attacking at once.

I don't know if it's compatible with Minkoff's.


This one I'm sure about compatibility. If you use both Minkoff and RTAB

There's an "add-on" script called Co-op Skills which does pretty much the same thing as the combo script I mentioned.

You should have more than enough resources now. Now you gotta do the hard part, making it work ;)

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