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I need a non-SDK bar script that works with RTAB

No... not the Cogwheel Image bars. He means the ones that comes in the RTAB demo I posted. It's linked in almost every RTAB topic I posted, and you can find it in my Animated Battlers topic (see my sig for a link).

The demo has two non-sdk bars:

The first one is by cogwheel himself (the creator of RTAB), but I commented it out so it doesn't take effect. This was done so there would be no conflict with the second one. Just removing the =begin and =end statements surrounding the code 'un-comments' it.

The second one is by Clive, based on the slanted bar design by SephirothSpawn. I kinda like it. :D

Please note that the RTAB demo does have SDK version 1.5. Now... Trickster's newest version of Gradient Bars (3.4) requires SDK v 2.0+. I'm pretty sure that RTAB would be compliant if the scripts are properly arranged (sdk on top... rtab next... gradient bar scripts below). I mean, this hasn't been tested yet, but the RTAB is compliant with even the newest version of T's Steal Script (for SDK 2.0+).

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