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I know that there is a script for this...



I know that there is a script for this, I just cant remember what it is called...

basically, I want to make a Log-roll puzzle. Meaning that in its most simplified version, there is a log, about 3 events wide that blocks your path, and when you press space on it, it rolls and keeps rolling until it hits something.

I know how to event script something like this, but I cant seem to get the events on either side of the log (which stop the player from walking) to move with it.

I do realize that I could use a move event on the other ones, but if the log was to hit a rock or something (to stop it) the other events would keep on going (past the rock)

I would like the block events to move with the log, and any help that can be found anywhere on how to make this puzzle.





Can anyone help me?
I am looking for almost the exact same thing as featured in the Golden Sun games (my inspiration!)
Like with the logs, with the pipes... etc.
I made an example for you, it is an event engine combined with scripts.
Download Link

If you will use it, add this script:
class Iterpreter
  def self_event
    return $game_map.events[@event_id]
  def event(id)
    return $game_map.events[id]

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