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i just thought of this

im not sure if a script like this exist but i think it would be cool if someone could make a script so that every time you're in a new area, your menu skin will change accordingly.



just do it with an event on the map, set to parallell process, and set it to change windoskin. then, as the next step in the event, choose Erase event.

Erase event erases an event from the map until you leave the map and return.
it will be there again when you return.
just set them in certain places, on different maps and voila!

You all and your events... do I come in the General support and presuade people to use scripts? Ok. Yeah, every now and then, but <insert something here>.

class Game_Map
  # Map_id => windowskin_name
  Map_WindowSkins = {}
  alias seph_mapwskins_gmmap_setup setup
  def setup(map_id)
    if Map_WindowSkins.has_key?(map_id)
      $game_system.windowskin_name = Map_WindowSkins[map_id]

Just modify your Map_WindowSkins with map_id => 'skinname'

Now, isn't that easier than a million events on your maps. ^_^
Well, say a big game has 100 maps.

That's 100 key and value pairs vs. 100 events. Plus, you could just do something like:

Map_WindowSkins = {}
for i in [1, 3, 5, 6,8, 7, 14, 25]
  Map_WindowSkins[i] = 'Windowskin1'
for i in [2, 4, 13, 23]
  Map_WindowSkins[i] = 'Windowskin2'

Of course, thats just one way. I know there are simpler. ;)

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