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I got a request



In my game you play different characters in different chapters, but 1 character can travel to the area another character was to get a special item. For example hero 2 goes to the starting area of hero 1 and gets a bonus. Now, since I have 8 hero's I have a slight problem. Since I have 8 different characters I need to make 8 conditional branches for every simple event to change to \Name[\n[1]], \Name[\n[2]] etc.

So I wondered if I anyone could make a script which would check which character is active and change the X in \n 



Have a variable that is set to your hero's number whenever you change.
then use that variable as a precondition on the event pages.

That's what I have in my game, which has 6 hero's to chose from at he beginning.



I know I can do that, but with 8 hero's and the fact that virtually every thing in a house (Plants, lamps etc) are talkable too makes it quite a lot of work to put a precondition to every event. Although if noone can/will do this I guess there is no other way :-/
You can do that by storing the players name in a variable in a call script command like:
$game_variables[id] = $game_party.actors[0].name

Just change the id with the variable you want to use without the zero's at the begining, for example if you want to use variable 1 it should look like:

$game_variables[1] = $game_party.actors[0].name

Then in a message just use the \v[1] command to display the name.

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