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I can't seem to get SFonts to work right.

I'm trying to use this script by trickster, it's for Sfonts, basically it replaces ... or.. well.. it's supposed to replace use of regular fonts with sfonts.. which are basically an image file with the font .. so it's easy to draw and customize by hand if you're good at graphics editing, cause all it is, is a PNG image.
Just looking for help from anyone familiar with it.
I can't seem to make it work, i wanted to fully replace all use of regular fonts with use of SFonts...
But trying to implement it is HARD.. at one point i thought i was making progress, but then all the sudden the game starts freezing up when i go in and out of parts of the menus.. between the main menu to the equipment menu.. to item menu and so on.. it would just freeze up or pause for a long time.

So.. anyone familiar with it, i hope can help.
No.. did not change it really.. just.. tried to get it to work with my game.. and.. it was causing the game to freeze up...
Sorry.. um.. not sure where i got it.. but at this point.. i don't think it's the right script to use for my needs..
I'm just basically looking for a script that replaces the use of fonts with.. graphics for fonts.. ..
I found a few on this forum, but they are no longer supported, and image files are missing.. and their is no demos...
one is for bitmap fonts... but.. yeah.. missing images on the posts that help explain how to use the scripts in better detail

I managed to get Sfonts by trickster to work.. BUT.. the game freezes and slows down when i use it.. and it won't work at ALL with the um... Window_Help
And if i get it to work in um..... for the messages in the game.. they end up not spaced out right and overlapping and so on.

I'm just looking for a working script with an explanation as to how it's used.. that replaces fonts with bitmaps.
And yes.. i did search.. i did find a few.. but they are no longer supported.. as i already said.. posted missing images... demos no where to be found.. and so on.

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