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HP to SP convertion system

Hello there!
I would like to ask for some help in a HP->SP skill convertion system...
The plan is as the following:

  • the ground state for each character would be maximum HP and zero for SP (MP).
  • each actor/monster would have a new parameter, that could be called "convertion rate" for example.
  • that new parameter would (could) be a 3 decimal float ranging from 0.000 to 1.000.
  • upon using a skill named "focus" (again, just an example), the character would self inflict HP damage.
  • the damage times the convertion rate of the user would be the SP gain converted from the HP loss.

I thought of making a new element name called "focus" and make skills with diferent power for more or less convertion, and having the parameters read from an .rgss file. Would that do?
A help for the scripting would be just great!

This would be the main part of the system and for later I was thinking of adding stuff like
  • display of the new parameter in the status menu
  • having this parameter altered by itens and other skills
  • walking on map would slowly decrease SP
  • HP as a "main parameter" would influence on attack power
  • maybe other stuff...

And I would really appreciate if anyone would help me out here in the start!!!
this is REALLY confusing me, but i think i can help:

under Game_Actor, locate the definitions of each stat, under SP, start a new line, then insert this:

# ● Base Conversion Rate
def base_convrate
return $data_actors[@actor_id].parameters[1, @level] / 1000.000
this will create your parameter: conversion rate, by making conv. rate = whatever you type after RETURN. Keep in mind that SP itself does not have to equal what you put in the database, merely find base_maxsp and under RETURN replace it with something.

So, in other words, when your editing SP in the database, it isn't even effecting maxsp, but convrate!

now, i want you to find base_maxsp, and after return, edit it to say be
return $data_actors[@actor_id].parameters[0, @level] * base_convrate

so it should look like this:
# ● Max SP
def base_maxsp
return 0 + $data_actors[@actor_id].parameters[0, @level] * base_convrate

alright, now all you do, is when you want the player to gain SP, is have the skill add 1-1000, and it should work

edit: damn...just figured out there is no skill option for gaining SP.
alas, i have brain freeze on this one!

well, like i said, im not too good at scripting, but that line of code for convrate, keep. and leave return at 0 for now.

Thank you for viewing

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