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HP Gold Time HUD

Script HP Gold Time HUD
by shadowball


I may say it's self explanatory.
OK, just in case you don't get the idea, it shows your HP and MP stats, your money and the local and play time while walking on the map.

Fixed a minor issue.
You can choose your favorite windowskin.

This time you'll get a demo instead of just the script...

No screens needed. Just copy and paste it. Do me a favor, don't post if you don't have anything to say now. I'd glad to answer any questions if possible, but I'm not taking any requests.
it says something wrong on line 38... Window_SHBGoldHUD' ? 38 ??? NameError ???????? unintialized constant Scene_Map::Window_GoldHUD.

Cna yuo fix this?
There's too many questions I want answered that can simply be answered by a screenshot.

A. Where is the HUD located on the screen?
B. Is there an icon shown in the HUD?
C. How large is the box for the HUD, or does it use a box at all?
D. Can you customize the text it says?  For instance if our game uses "Silver" instead of Gold? 
E. Can you customize the font and text color for the HUD?
F. Does it automatically update whenever you get more gold?

Screen.  Now.  Or I'll report this...I'm not sure if mods delete threads with no screenshots, but if so...report.
Omg how many lazy people there are here can't you just make a new project and try it there -.- , how much time will you waste by that?
I already created a better version that also includes the PlayTime window. Both the gold and the playtime window disappear if you press a button. It will reappear if you press another button.

There's too many questions I want answered that can simply be answered by a screenshot.

A. Where is the HUD located on the screen?
There's no need to answer this question anymore since you can already find a screenshot there...
B. Is there an icon shown in the HUD?
What? An Icon? What for? I don't get the idea.
C. How large is the box for the HUD, or does it use a box at all?
There's no need to answer this question anymore since you can already find a screenshot there...
D. Can you customize the text it says?  For instance if our game uses "Silver" instead of Gold?
Any window / text message can be customized.
E. Can you customize the font and text color for the HUD?
Any window / text message can be customized.
F. Does it automatically update whenever you get more gold?
YES, it does indeed. The brand new Gold & Time HUD is updated every so often. It works fine.

"Screen.  Now.  Or I'll report this...I'm not sure if mods delete threads with no screenshots, but if so...report."
You know what, I'll report you instead. You can't report anyone just because you dislike something and it isn't an insult or something like that.
Reaper*":1dvzgq1s said:
Omg how many lazy people there are here can't you just make a new project and try it there -.- , how much time will you waste by that?

Actually I'm working my ass off on a 4 hour game that's supposed to be done in February, and I really don't wanna take the time to open RMXP, start a project, go to the scripts, copy and paste this script above main, and test play it.

Thank you Dokien.  If there were a gold symbol icon in the box, this would be a pretty nice script.
OK, xephyr14, you were reported, too.

Why do you need the icon anyway? Isn't it supposed to show a currency symbol instead? What kind of icon would need?
shadowball":abiqx4d2 said:
OK, xephyr14, you were reported, too.

Why do you need the icon anyway? Isn't it supposed to show a currency symbol instead? What kind of icon would need?

Reported?  Ha ha.  For asking you to post a damn screenshot?  Is that so hard? That's easier than copying the script and going through all that just to play test a window in the top righ corner of the screen.  Your the one that needs to put reported.

And a gold icon just looks better, dont you think?  Instead of a blank window, you would at least have some eye candy to improve the look of the script.



Rofl. Reported for missing a screenshot? shadowball you demon you. It's not a rule that a screenshot be provided. At least the rules of this forum section do not state as much.
Xephyr14 you know that making a new project paste the script and test play takes less then 5 min right? -.-

And for more information i have a new project always so when a new script comes out and doesn't have a screenshot i can check it there wasn't needed to make this whole questions and report thing when the admins won't delete the topic the most propable theing they would do is post here and ask him to post a screenshot because some people are lazy to try it on a new project and i have evidence about this:


This screenshot has been taken from a topic i made about a side-view battle script.



I love your script.i just have a few problems. for starters when i copied it to my newest game, i did so with great accuracy but when i play my game " script' HP Gold Time HUD Windows' line 7: TypeError occurred. undefined superclass ' window_stats' pops up. second problem is that  all i want is the top box i don't really need time, time played, and gold. can u please help.



It looks like you either missed copying over a section called Window_Stats or more likely you copied it over into your project but placed it below the class that derives from it in the script listing. Make sure the order of the scripts that they are in the demo are the same in your project.

HP Gold Time HUD Windows
HP Gold Time HUD Add-on

And I hope you don't mind shadowball but I took the liberty of editing 'HP Gold Time HUD Add-on'. I really just cut out the other window code.
# ** Scene_Map Add-on
#    v1.0
#    by shadowball
#    25.12.2007

class Scene_Map
  alias_method :shb_time_main, :main
  def main
    # Make a Gold HUD window
    @hphud_window = Window_HPHUD.new(0)
    @hphud_window.x = 448
  alias_method :shbhud_update, :update
  def update
    if Input.trigger?(Input::X) && $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map)
      if @hphud_window.visible
        # Make a Gold HUD window
        #$game_variables[1] = @actor
        if $game_variables[1] == 0
          $game_variables[1] = 0
          @actor = $game_variables[1]
          @hphud_window = Window_HPHUD.new(@actor)#$game_variables[1])
          @hphud_window.x = 448
          $game_variables[1] = 1
        elsif $game_variables[1] == 1
          @actor = $game_variables[1]
          @hphud_window = Window_HPHUD.new(@actor)
          @hphud_window.x = 448
          $game_variables[1] = 2
        elsif $game_variables[1] == 2
          @actor = $game_variables[1]
          @hphud_window = Window_HPHUD.new(@actor)
          @hphud_window.x = 448
          $game_variables[1] = 3
        elsif $game_variables[1] == 3
          @actor = $game_variables[1]
          @hphud_window = Window_HPHUD.new(@actor)
          @hphud_window.x = 448
          $game_variables[1] = 0
    if Input.trigger?(Input::L) && @hphud_window.visible == true
      @hphud_window.visible = false
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::L) && @hphud_window.visible == false
      @hphud_window.visible = true



Thank you i realized what went wrong..... but now the thingy is saying unable to find graphics/windowskins/001-wallof cloudsshbo1 can you help again.

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