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How to make an MP3 Player !


Awesome Bro

Ok, this is my first real tutorial, so don't ask too many questions if I do something wrong...

This feature enables you to change the BGM, by using an MP3 Player !
And to make it better, you can use your own songs !


Make an Item in the Database, call it MP3 Player or whatever suites your game.
Make it Call Common Event: MP3 Player

Go into the Common Event Tab, Leave the Trigger as None, and name the event MP3 Player

Insert a Message saying something like: You turn on the MP3 Player

Now make a Show Choices come on, with 4 Tabs, and name 3 of them with songs that you want on the playlist, mine are:

and the 4th Tab is:
Turn off MP3 Player

Ok, For all the Handlers, just make them play the songs that you chose, for example...

If you chose it to play 001-Battle01, You make it play BGM: 001-Battle01.
It's the same principle with all the others.

On the Turn off MP3 Player, just make it Fade out BGM in 1 second (Lowest you can go)

***********IMPORTANT NOTE!!!!!*************
When you Turn off MP3 Player, It turns off the BGM that you had on before, so you will be left with no music, so I advise you to keep your MP3 Player turned on at all times, unless you can find away to Bypass this problem, If you do, please post. (I've already tried Memorise BGM, Doesn't work)

Ok, thats it, Sorry about this, But I don't know how to make it so yo ucan have more than 3 songs at a time, unless you plan to keep the MP3 Player on all the time and not have a Turn off MP3 Player, then you can have 4 songs.
I'll try to update this in another Tutorial, sorry if it was a little hard to follow.

You can download the Demo Here:
this is nice i might use it.
EDIT: I think I know how to make it play the music that used to be there!
On the first event or whatever, put Memorize BGM and BGS, then once they turn it off, do Play Memorized BGM/BGS.
Allow me to improve this a little jbrist.

1) How to solve the problem of background music not returning.
Are you sure memorise bgm followed by restore bgm didn't work? that's odd but there is another possibly simpler way, put all the songs in the ME folder and instead of making the MP3 player play BGMs select play ME, that way when you turn it off or a song ends the map music will fade back in. I'll point out this will seriously increase file size though.

2)How to play more than four songs.
For this make use of ccoas UMS which will let you play as many songs as you want.
More Than 4 Choices

You can merge multiple Show Choices event commands into one. They must appear one after the other.

First, you must enter this in an Script event command, sometime before the choices are to be shown:

    $game_temp.num_choices = i

Where i is the number of show choice event commands there will be.

Then just place the show choice event commands one after the other. The cancel option for the last show choice event command will be the one that will be used. Although due to screen size you may be limited to nine songs, it's stll better than four.

Hope that helps. :D


Awesome Bro

Wow, I wrote this back in January, can't believe it's been revived lol.

Well since I have a different computer now, I'll think about redoing this tutorial, as it would be useful for most people.

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