How to make a HUD without lag
Hi guys, There's lot of way to show actor's information on the screen. right?
People use Gauge Bars, HUDs, and texts...
I invented a HUD system which is smooth and lagless, and safe.
(You must download demo file and view it in RMXP!)
Download Demo in SendSpace
* All of Instructions are shown in Demo file, and This Project is made in RMXP 1.03
Unofficial Korean Version. RGSS103J.dll of Portuguese language, But It works
in all RMXP Versions.
* What you need is just to modify little and apply it on your game.
* The System
(View the DEMO!)
system is very simple.
Interpreter scripts calculated the value that is needed for HUD.
Common Event Shows the HUD by value returned from interpreter script.
* How to modify
(View the DEMO!)
Modify moving speed ;
You can see picture moving script just like theses in Common Event,
see the bold number 20? that's the speed.
Lower number : fast
Higher Number : slow
Modify Graphics.
You can see several graphics on Graphics/Pictures folder.
barbase_e, barbase_h, barbase_m : Bar bases
exp, hp, mp : bars
* The vulnerable point (in this version)
- Cannot show Actor's name and level, and also status.
- Cannot show Gold
* Give critiques, I will improve.
* Next Version is comming very soon.
Hi guys, There's lot of way to show actor's information on the screen. right?
People use Gauge Bars, HUDs, and texts...
I invented a HUD system which is smooth and lagless, and safe.
(You must download demo file and view it in RMXP!)
Download Demo in SendSpace
* All of Instructions are shown in Demo file, and This Project is made in RMXP 1.03
Unofficial Korean Version. RGSS103J.dll of Portuguese language, But It works
in all RMXP Versions.
* What you need is just to modify little and apply it on your game.
* The System
(View the DEMO!)
system is very simple.
Interpreter scripts calculated the value that is needed for HUD.
# Interpreter Defined For HUD System
# Fuctions :
# Â Calculate actor's EXP rate
# Â and Save value to a Variable
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
 def exp_rate
  if @exp_list[@level+1] - @exp_list[@level] > 0
   return (@exp - @exp_list[@level]).to_f / (@exp_list[@level+1] - @exp_list[@level]).to_f
   return 0
 def exp_max
  return @exp_list[@level+1]
class Interpreter
 def exprate
  return ($game_party.actors[0].exp_rate * 100).to_s
 def hprate
  return (($game_party.actors[0].hp * 100)/($game_party.actors[0].maxhp)).to_s
 def sprate
  return (($game_party.actors[0].sp * 100)/($game_party.actors[0].maxsp)).to_s
* How to modify
(View the DEMO!)
Modify moving speed ;
$[50].move([b]20[/b], 0, 10,
434, hprate, 100, 255, 0)
see the bold number 20? that's the speed.
Lower number : fast
Higher Number : slow
Modify Graphics.
You can see several graphics on Graphics/Pictures folder.
barbase_e, barbase_h, barbase_m : Bar bases
exp, hp, mp : bars
* The vulnerable point (in this version)
- Cannot show Actor's name and level, and also status.
- Cannot show Gold
* Give critiques, I will improve.
* Next Version is comming very soon.