Alright I've been trying to modify Atoa and KGC's Overdrive script and create a Rage script.Basically what I wanted was to have a meter that filled up as the hero was hit.Once the meter reached the maximum she would transform to another, more powerful character.I am pretty new to RGSS but I have managed to make the meter only appear in under my main character.And I'm pretty sure that I could make the transformation a selectable skill but it's suppose to be a curse something outside of the character's control.So how would you make a skill activate on its own without being chosen by the player.Below is the beginning of the script with one of the major changes I tried to make.Code is a bit long so I apologize in advance.
# Add-On: Rage
# by Ovan35
# Based on KCG's Overdrive & Atoa's Overdrive system
#pretty much is Atoa's and KCG's system with a few changes as far as variables.All props to them
# This Add-On adds an Rage system to the game.
# It works like this:
# A new bar is created, and gets filled up by many different actions, easily
# defined by you. When full, you can use special skills that you couldn't before.
#Much like Atoa's system but I wanted to see if I can modify it for just one character to use it
module N01
# IDs of the Rage skills.
#in my case I want to have a transform skill that will change the main character
#to a different character.
Rage_Skills_ID = [127]
# Name of the Rage bar graphic file. Must be on the Graphic/Windowskins folder
#for my purposes the same ODMeter will suffice for now will change the meter
#another time
Rage_Meter = 'ODMeter'
# Maximum value of the Rage Bar.Let's keep this the same as well 1000
#This denotes what the Maximum Rage is to fill up your meter
Max_Rage = 1000
# Rage gain ratio, change these values as you wish
#basically this is how much the meter will go up when the condition is met
Rage_Gain_Rate = [ 150, 300, 100, 100, 200, 150, 100, 30, 50, 150, 100]
# [ A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K]
# A = Gain on attacking, varies depending on the amount of damage dealt
# B = Gain when attacked, varies depending on the amount of damage received
# C = Gain when attack is dodged
# D = Gain when an attack misses
# E = Gain when a battle is won
# F = Gain after fleeing a battle
# G = Gain on the beginning of a dead ally's turn
# H = Gain at the beginning of an alive ally's turn
# I = Fixed Gain at the beginning of the turn
# J = Gain at the beginning of the turn if the character is almost dead
# K = Gain if the character kills the target while attacking
#Since I only need the rage meter for one character there is no need to have
#anyone else sharing the skill.I didn't want to risk the code not working so
#I kept everything here much the same.Only modifying names and variables
#where needed.
Attack_Rage_Plus = [1] # when attacking
Damage_Rage_Plus = [1] # when being attacked
Evade_OD_Plus = [] # when dodge an attack
Miss_OD_Plus = [] # when miss an attack
Win_OD_Plus = [] # when a battle is won
Escape_OD_Plus = [] # after a successful escape
Dead_Rage_Plus = [1] # hero gets mad when his friends are dead
Alive_OD_Plus = [] # in the begin fo turn for each alive ally
Turn_OD_Plus = [] # fixed at the beginning of a turn
Dying_Rage_Plus = [1] # If he's hurt bad the meter goes up
Kill_OD_Plus = [] # if the character kills the target when attacks
#Demon Form Script
#create a new action sequence
new_action_sequence = {
#Unites the new sequence to the system
# ACTION.merge!(new_action_sequence)
module RPG
class Skill
alias demonform_base_action base_action
def base_action
if @id == 126
#was a extra end here
#Demon form script end
# Rage Meter position on the Battle Status Window
Rage_Battle_Style = 0
# 0 = Horizontal Pattern, not centralized
# 1 = Horizontal Pattern, centralized
# 2 = Vertical bars
# 3 = Custom Position
# Readjustment of the Rage Meter's position on the Battle Status Window.
Rage_X_Position = 0 # X position of the Meters
Rage_Y_Position = 112 # Y position of the Meters
# Custom OD Bar position, only valid when Rage_Battle_Style = 3
OD_Custom_Position = [[460,180],[480,210],[500,240],[520,270]]
# Rage Meter position in main menu
Menu_Style = 1
# 0 = Don't show
# 1 = Above HP
# 2 = Bellow name
# 3 = Bellow level
# ■ Atoa Module
$atoa_script['SBS Overdrive'] = true
# ■ Game_Actor
class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
include N01
def max_rage
return Max_Rage
def rage
return @rage == nil ? @rage = 0 : @rage
def rage=(n)
@rage = [[n.to_i, 0].max, self.max_rage].min
#I'm thinking this one will be the key to my solution.It control the
#maximum rage
def rage_full?
return @rage == self.max_rage
def rage_update
@rage = 0 if self.dead?
# ■ Window_Base
class Window_Base < Window
include N01
def draw_actor_overdrive(actor, x, y)
@skin = RPG::Cache.windowskin(Rage_Meter)
@width = @skin.width
@height = @skin.height / 3
src_rect =, 0, @width, @height)
self.contents.blt(x , y, @skin, src_rect)
@line = (actor.rage == actor.max_rage ? 2 : 1)
@amount = 100 * actor.rage / actor.max_rage
src_rect2 =, @line * @height, @width * @amount / 100, @height)
self.contents.blt(x , y, @skin, src_rect2)
# ■ Game_Battler
#I'm thinking here I will have to put my transform code.But I hecessitate to do
#it because I'm not sure how well it will work.Right now I'm thinking a
#simple If statement might do it.But what command to change one character
#to another?
class Game_Battler
include N01
alias acbs_skill_can_use_od skill_can_use?
def skill_can_use?(skill_id)
skill = $data_skills[skill_id]
if && skill != nil && Rage_Skills_ID.include?(
return false unless self.rage_full?
alias acbs_attack_effect_od attack_effect
def attack_effect(attacker)
effective = acbs_attack_effect_od(attacker)
attack_od(attacker) if self.damage.is_a?(Numeric)
miss_od(attacker) if self.evaded or self.missed
return effective
alias perfect_acbs_attack_effect_od perfect_attack_effect
def perfect_attack_effect(attacker)
effective = perfect_acbs_attack_effect_od(attacker)
attack_od(attacker) if self.damage.is_a?(Numeric)
miss_od(attacker) if self.evaded or self.missed
return effective
alias acbs_skill_effect_od skill_effect
def skill_effect(user, skill)
effective = acbs_skill_effect_od(user, skill)
attack_od(user) if self.damage.is_a?(Numeric)
miss_od(user) if self.evaded or self.missed
return effective
alias perfect_acbs_skill_effect_od perfect_skill_effect
def perfect_skill_effect(user, skill)
effective = perfect_acbs_skill_effect_od(user, skill)
attack_od(user) if self.damage.is_a?(Numeric)
miss_od(user) if self.evaded or self.missed
return effective
def attack_od(user)
if && ! && Attack_Rage_Plus.include?( && self.damage > 0
od_up = [self.damage * Rage_Gain_Rate[0] / (user.level + 10) / 50, 10].max
user.rage += od_up
user.rage += Rage_Gain_Rate[10] if self.hp <= 0 and Kill_OD_Plus.include?(
elsif ! && && Damage_Rage_Plus.include?( && self.damage > 0
od_up = [self.damage * Rage_Gain_Rate[1] / self.maxhp, 1].max
self.rage += od_up
def miss_od(user)
if && ! && Miss_OD_Plus.include?(
user.rage += Rage_Gain_Rate[3]
elsif ! && && Evade_OD_Plus.include?(
self.rage+= Rage_Gain_Rate[2]
#Now that my heroine is capale of transforming let's see if we can link it to
#the rage meter
def transformation(user)
if && ! && self.rage_full?
# ■ Window_Skill
class Window_Skill < Window_Selectable
def draw_item(index)
skill = @data[index]
if @actor.skill_can_use?(
self.contents.font.color = normal_color
self.contents.font.color = crisis_color if Rage_Skills_ID.include?(
self.contents.font.color = disabled_color
x = 4 + index % 2 * (288 + 32)
y = index / 2 * 32
rect =, y, self.width / @column_max - 32, 32)
self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(skill.icon_name)
opacity = self.contents.font.color == disabled_color ? 128 : 255
self.contents.blt(x, y + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
self.contents.draw_text(x + 28, y, 204, 32,, 0)
self.contents.draw_text(x + 232, y, 48, 32, skill.sp_cost.to_s, 2)
# ■ Window_BattleStatus
class Window_BattleStatus < Window_Base
alias acbs_refresh_od refresh
def refresh
#for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
actor = $game_party.actors[0] #was i when I first started
case Rage_Battle_Style
when 0
meter_x = 0 * (624 / MAX_MEMBER) + Rage_X_Position
meter_y = Rage_Y_Position
#We only need 0 since we only want the main character to have the Rage system
#when 1
# meter_x = OD_X_Position + ((624 / MAX_MEMBER) * ((4 - $game_party.actors.size)/2.0 + i)).floor
#meter_y = OD_Y_Position
#when 2
# meter_x = OD_X_Position
#meter_y = i * 32 + OD_Y_Position
#when 3
# meter_x = OD_Custom_Position[i][0]
#meter_y = OD_Custom_Position[i][1]
#draws the rage meter
draw_actor_overdrive(actor, meter_x, meter_y)
# ■ Window_MenuStatus
class Window_MenuStatus < Window_Selectable
alias acbs_refresh_od refresh
def refresh
#for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
actor = $game_party.actors[0] #again originally this was i
x = 64
y = 0 * 116
draw_actor_overdrive(actor, x + 236, y + 12) if Menu_Style == 1
draw_actor_overdrive(actor, x + 4, y + 24) if Menu_Style == 2
draw_actor_overdrive(actor, x + 4, y + 56) if Menu_Style == 3