A long time ago, I was searching google for game makers, and I fould like 3 (RM2k3, Adventure maker 4 (for point-and-click games, and a 3d shooter one...) and did not like the last one, but I loved the first 2.
RM2k3 I found on some obscure site where there was a lot of links to gamemakers.
After I started useing it, and loving the heck out of it, I decided to start searching for resources.
Then I found a marvelous forum called the RPG tree, and became a member.
I made lots of friends (several of which I still have on this forum (swiftdeathsk, kudion, and 1 or 2 others))
One of the members was named Meges. He was my idol, he was like the RM2k3 god!
And he was a mod, and after RMXP came out, he started a new sub-forum about RMXP and it grew from there.
Everyone (including me) was reluctant to download RMXP (postality knights edition, for I did not know that it was illegal at the time) and after seeing its graphics, and its performability, I deleted RM2k3.
Then I used postality knights edition for a long time, still thinking it was the only version, and that it was free.
I started looking for resources, and through that I found seversl others, but I only looked at their resource sections.
RMXP.net also, was one of those.
I needed to request something, and since RMXP was one of the ones that kinda stuck out in my mind for lots of people and stuff, so I became a member and voila! Here I am today.
Back when .net was running, I became a member or .org (the emergency shelter thingy) because there was a chat room, and I was interested.
then .net died... and I was glad that I joined .org!
And here I am today, the king of the forum! *puts on a burgerking crown*