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House System - 1.6!!

House System
By: MephistoX
Version: 1.6


This Script allow you to decorate, put furnitures, and other types of objects to one Map(eg.House).
This Script simulates the 'Pokemon Secret Base System' or 'The Sims'.

This script is different from others, because use one of the Seph's Event Spawner Methods, this method, clone one of events from the Furnitures Map, and clone in the House map, this allow to you to create Dynamic events. (Events with event commands, like show message..ect)

To determine where it's possble to put the object, I used the Terrain tags, view the tileset configuration, and module to understand this.

  • Easy to Use
  • You can customize almost everything :)
  • Your furnitures can have event commands, imagine to put a Bucket, in that bucket han grow a plant
  • Help windows for every action :)
  • Now you can Create MultyTerrain Types : NEW in v1.6
  • A lot more.. believe me


The furniture Selection:


PD: Sorry for the Bad Link, actually my subdomain don't allow to enter the folders from another web, I'll fix that, for now enter to the page, and download the file (Click in the Script) Banner. The page Doesn't contain anything, only the download, so Don't considerer this as a Spam. If anyone can upload the new demo into a server, I'll be happy :)

About the demo:

Talk to the Guy to get some furnitures, now, Press 'D' on the keyboard to open the Scene to put furnitures.


I did a quick test, so if you find a bug, please alert me!! :crazy:


Too large, see the demo


Copy all the Scripts from the demo to your project, so see how to create new furnitures watch the module Header, I try to commen anything, include the script itself.
Also, copy the Cursor graphic from Characters folder.

Configure your House tileset (See terrain tags from event, and furniture module to make this)


See the demo before make question about how to use the system. :)


Requires SDK 2.4 (Included)
MACL 2.3 (Included)
MACL 2.4 beta Character Section (Included)
Seph's Event Spawner 2.2 (Included)
Icon Commands (Included)

Credits and Thanks

Well, first Thanks to SephirothSpawn, not only for Create EventSpawner Script, also for create his scripts, I take a lot of examples.
Second, when I see the Near Fantastica's Dynamic maps, I decided to recreate his script myself, with a 1000% of efficacy.. or I try.


Give me Credits, would be an honor for me. and SephirothSpawn for his script.

Author's Notes

Some Restrictions:

- The house, and the furnitures map, must have the same Tileset, but, you can create furniture events with character graphics to avoid this.

I give a little portion of the information about configuration, sorry for that, I don't have patient to write, so, if you have question, make questions :)

Terms and Conditions

You can use for Free Projects only, because there are other authors scripts (Seph, MACL, SDK). So, if you want to use in commercial projects, ask for the authors.

ENJOY!! (would be great to see my script in a big project :haha:
Could you please don't upload it to RAPIDSHARE? Some people experience very bad... Erm... Experiences with Rapidshare, like I do.
Mm.. I don't understand well your question (Maybe because english isn't my mother tongue xD).

But yes, if you want to have more of the same furniture, you only need to call the gain method X times... I mean.

$game_party.get_furniture('Furniture Name')

y you want to get 3 of the same furniture, use that 3 times xD, you don't need to copy/paste the same event at the furniture map.
If that doesn't was your question...well, ask again with a little more of description :)
I meant this:

If you select one piece of furniture in the furniture window, could I let appear 2 events rather than one?
So could I assign 2 events on the Furni map to one Furni in your house so the furniture is 3 tiles big or so?
Actually, no.

But you don't need to create 2 events, create a character graphic, with the tile graphic that you want, And when you create your new furniture put like graphic, this new character graphic. That should work.
Okay, thanks! But couldn't I just enter more variables in the event assignation-place?

[rgss]   'Ghost doll' => [4, 'Skill_061', "Don't be scared, its only a doll", 'Rug'],
And now:
[rgss]   'Ghost doll' => [4, 5, 6, 7, 'Skill_061', "Don't be scared, its only a doll", 'Rug'],
[rgss]   'Ghost doll' => ['4, 5, 6, 7' , 'Skill_061', "Don't be scared, its only a doll", 'Rug'],

I am almost sure it won't work, but I don't like my game glitched. Hpoe you can help me out.

Well, I say, that's impossible xD.
So, you don't need to do that. As i said, only, you need to create a event with the big character graphic, that's all.

Example, if you want to put a big plant, create a character graphic, with that big plant tile.

What more difficulty than that :devil:
Never read the script?

[rgss]  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # ► Furnitures
  #  ~ Store the Furniture Information, to create new furnitures use:
  #    Furnitures = {'Name' => [Object_id, description, Type, Icon]}
  #  |Where|:
  #        ~ 'Name'(Key)        => The Furniture Name
  #        ~ 'Object_ID'(0)     => The Furniture Event ID, at Furnitures Map
  #        ~ 'Icon'(1)          => Icon for Command Windows
  #        ~ 'Description'(2)   => The Furniture Description or Help Text
  #        ~ 'Type'(3)          => Decoration Type, see Types in the Module
  #  The 'Name' will be used in the next constants, so be carefull with this.

Around line 84 and 86 in version 1.5 of this system you can make your furni.

Right now, it is:
[rgss]    'Picasso'  => [3, 'MP_001-Barril01', "Picasso's Famous Picture",    'Wall'],
    'Water Can'   => [1, 'MP_001-Barril01', 'A can for water',       'Tables'],
    'Bucket'   => [2, 'MP_001-Barril01', 'A Bucket to put Plants', 'Floor'],

You can add furni on this way:
[rgss]    'Picasso'  => [3, 'MP_001-Barril01', "Picasso's Famous Picture",    'Wall'],
    'Water Can'   => [1, 'MP_001-Barril01', 'A can for water',       'Tables'],
    'Bucket'   => [2, 'MP_001-Barril01', 'A Bucket to put Plants', 'Floor'],
    'Barricade'   => [4, 'Barricade_icon', 'Block your opponents way!', 'Floor'],

I am lucky I know at least something about RGSS... So here you are. Now in your furni map, make a event with the ID number 4 (the number standing before the icon name) and choose a graphic and maybe a event page.

I hope I helped you.




ok thanks it worked, but i got a new problem. how can i use 2 different terrain tags on 1 event like: a pot can be placed on floor but i also want it to be possible on a table. how do i do it?
.Hehehe, Aram, believe or not, I tried to add that feature while I was scripting the system.....But I Could not add. XD, so I'll see if I can add that feature Now, if not, You can ask for help in the Request forum, but wait for a days and maybe you'll obtain an answer from me :).


Edit: Now you can Create Multiple Terrain Types :)



ohhh thanks alot your credited in my game when is done. btw, is it possible to add items that are bigger than 1 tile? :huh:

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