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"High" State

I want to request a script to enable a state known as "High" which is triggered randomly by a number of successful hits. Once a character is in a "High" state, I would like it if the character's hit percentage, attacking power and evasiveness increases by a lot. Well I don't know how to make the "High" state to be triggered randomly after a number of successful hits. And I hope if possible, this state can only be achieved by a limited amount of heroes.
Yeah and if possible, the state could also be called through the call script option to enable the "High" state until it is disabled. But by default, each successful hits increases the chance of getting that state. Maybe items such as pot or crack can temporarily increase the that chance too. This would be a cool state, I think if anyone could script it. Thanks again.
chessplayer;142303 said:
Yeah and if possible, the state could also be called through the call script option to enable the "High" state until it is disabled. But by default, each successful hits increases the chance of getting that state. Maybe items such as pot or crack can temporarily increase the that chance too. This would be a cool state, I think if anyone could script it. Thanks again.

lol i made a script that in the game there are different drugs and they are items and when you take them it makes the screen bug out and shit ^^;; good ol days ;( I lost it but I can always make that again. as for exactly what you want I think I might be able to do it yep :)

damnit I cant find how to give a actor a state in script -.-
oh well if you want I can still make a condition if you hit a certain number of times and than you can do the rest of the state with events...
Yes. However, first I want to know how to activate that state randomly through battle after a number of successful attacks. Once the state is activated, then it gives the stat bonuses. But the effects will wear off after a while.
chessplayer;142976 said:
Yes. However, first I want to know how to activate that state randomly through battle after a number of successful attacks. Once the state is activated, then it gives the stat bonuses. But the effects will wear off after a while.

yes and I said I can make the conditions you want, I just cant make the character gain the state through those conditions though I guess I can set up a switch through them...

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