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Hide animation check

How would I go about checking if the sprite is hidden by an animation's flash effect or not?
Within Sprite_Character, I have a script to show event names - However, by setting the name visibility to that of the sprite itself during the update, it doesn't hide, which makes me think that the animation hide doesn't set the sprites visibility to false and back again.

Is there a way to check if a character's animation has made it invisible?
I'd need to see your Sprite_Character and your method to show event names.
It can be that the visible variable only applies to the battler sprite and not the event.
That's only a possibility, so I need to see how you did it.
Its alright - I made my own methods that do what I want now.
The name is drawn as a sprite inside the Sprite_Character and automatically takes on it's visible status. It was just that animations mustn't use the visible variable to hide the player.

Anyway, I wrote my own script (little more work, but more powerful) to do that for me, pre rigging all of the skills with variables to indicate when to hide the player.

Thanks for having a look, though :)

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