this script below im having problems with...i want to turn the mini-map off but cant understand how...any help please?
# ** Pixelmovement Script
# f0tz!baerchen
# v1.5
# 01.11.07
# Credits:
# arevulopapo (turn toward/away player methods, stay_in_range method,
# distance method, beta tester and lots of other small things.. (;)
# Caesar (fill_circle method)
# Fanha Giang (Autotile handling)
# Caldaron (move_toward_player method)
# Drag-On (beta tester)
# Monsta (beta tester)
# Wollnashorn (beta tester)
# Abt Plout�n (beta tester, helped with many difficult codings..)
# The Community (for the great amount of ideas :) )
# please tell me if I forgot you (;
# Importance:
# This script has many more features than only Pixelmovement. Information for
# the options can be found at the end of the script. There you can also change
# the settings Sometimes you have to add a comment in an event to activate
# special features for this event. The Script checks every line for such
# comments until it finds a non comment line.
# Used Global Variables:
# $pixelmovement: Settings of the Pixelmovement Script
# What do I have to do if I would like to use this script in my game?
# If your game is not commercial its enough to credit me (f0tz!bearchen) in your
# game, if you'd like to sell you game please contact me and we can talk about
# this (but normally I only would like to have some information about your
# project and a free version of the finished game)
# New Things:
# - opacity of minimap sprites depends now on the opacity of the real sprites
# - no error because of an empty party
# - Direction fix works fine now
# - Caterpillar + Surface Maps work fine together now
# - jump not works fine now
# - char_sprite returns the real sprite now, no copy
# - if an object of the class RPG::MoveCommand is a move command
# (Move_Down, etc), @parameters[0] will contain the number of steps
# - new pathfinding:
# it works much faster and better now, because it uses pre-saved waypoints,
# which are lying on the map and contain information about connections to
# other waypoints..
# if the start/target does not lie on a waypoint the next waypoint is chosen
# of course the creating of those waypoints takes some time, but it only needs
# to be done once (if the map isnt changed anymore after this), because the
# information is stored in a file
# I already implemented a method which will create waypoints for all (or only
# some) maps.. this method can be called by the game maker once after the game
# has been finished, so the player wont have to wait too long at anytime when
# playing the game..
# when no route to the target is found, the pathfinding tries to get as near
# as possible to the target. if this is also not possible and the minimum
# distance gets too big, simply nothing happens. of course this finding of the
# way to the nearest accessible point is a bit more time consuming.
# While searching a path the game does not freeze, it just continues running
# (maybe a bit slower) until the path is found and of course the event which
# will run the path can move the whole time. By the way it is also possible
# now to run pathfinding for more than one event at the same time.
# - new methods for Game_Character: turn_toward_coords(x, y),
# direction_to(id) (returns the direction in which the event lies),
# jump_to(x, y); passable? improved; on_event? new
# - caterpillar: will stop immediately if the hero stops because of a message or
# a running event process, etc.
# - zoom level of the player sprite on the minimap can be changed now
# - 4Dir Movement possible (only diagonal OR normal),
# Input Modul: method dir4diag added
# - all turn/move methods have been simplified
# - events dont walk anymore if they are activated
# - changing the player's sprite works fine now (also on the minimap)
# - loop maps work fine now with database passability
# - the changing of the frame/direction_number is instant now
# - if the event has more than one page always the comments of the current page
# are used
# - working together with the new SDK / MCLAB // with/without Anti-Lag
# - Bugfix: event editing works now in saved games too
# - Position(0, 0) is now in the upper left corner of the map
# - events with tile graphics work fine now
# - many things have been optimized
# - caterpillar: character graphics are changed instantly now
# - event graphics can be shifted via a comment
# - frame speed of the events can be changed
# - isometric has been rebuild (more elegant now, only the update_move is used)
# - no table for a bitmap anymore
# (the passability tables are stored in $game_map and in files now)
# - When creating Waypoints, a collision table is saved in a file, too
# - passability at events has been improved (stops now at an event and does not
# walk through it, if this is in its route, but the route goes further)
# - Game_Player: update-method has been rebuilt
# - Important: Don't forget to delete all files if you change a map.. (;
# - Game_Character: move_to_place(x, y) moves straight to coordinates x, y
# - Minimap Bugfix: Chars which are on the Minimap but not on the Screen are
# moved properly now
# Minimap Bugfix: is placed corretly now, if the map is smaller than the
# general minimap settings and the position is not the upper left corner
# - Caterpillars don't move strange anymore when going across a "border" on a
# looped map
# - Passability at very small obstacles (1-2Px) has been improved
# - Collision Maps are Black / Transparent now instead of Black / White
# the bitmaps can still be Black / White but White has to be the transparent
# colour of the bitmap
# - $pixelmovement is the only used global variable
# - Erase Event Command works fine now
# - Game_Character: turn_toward_coords is much faster now
# - Obstacle Passabilities work fine now, Square Autotiles, too
# Class which holds all Pixelmovement settings
class Pixelmovement_Settings
attr_accessor :pixel_aliasing
attr_accessor :collision_folder
attr_accessor :height_folder
attr_accessor :swamp_folder
attr_reader :frame_number
attr_accessor :frame_array
attr_reader :stand_frame
attr_accessor :stand_array
attr_accessor :frame_speed
attr_reader :direction_number
attr_accessor :movement_type
attr_accessor :direction_array
attr_reader :isometric
attr_reader :cater_activate
attr_accessor :cater_distance
attr_reader :cater_overlap
attr_accessor :player_size
attr_reader :player_frame_number
attr_reader :player_direction_number
attr_reader :player_stand_frame
attr_accessor :player_frame_speed
attr_reader :player_shift_x
attr_reader :player_shift_y
attr_accessor :event_size_add
attr_accessor :sprint_speed
attr_accessor :sprint_key
attr_accessor :sprint_time
attr_accessor :sprint_wait
attr_reader :sprint_fix
attr_reader :minimap
attr_reader :minimap_sprites
attr_accessor :minimap_pos
attr_accessor :minimap_width
attr_accessor :minimap_height
attr_accessor :minimap_scale
attr_accessor :minimap_player_scale
attr_accessor :minimap_opacity
attr_reader :minimap_collision
attr_accessor :minimap_c_cursor
attr_accessor :minimap_c_pass
attr_accessor :minimap_c_n_pass
attr_accessor :loop_maps
attr_reader :sliding
attr_accessor :jump_key
attr_accessor :jump_height
attr_accessor :jump_length
attr_accessor :ice_tiles
attr_reader :panorama_scrolling
attr_accessor :waypoints_settings
attr_accessor :events
attr_accessor :minimaps
# initialising method
def initialize(aliasing = false)
@pixel_aliasing = aliasing # aliased methods are only aliased once
@collision_folder = 'Graphics/ZPassability/'
@height_folder = 'Graphics/ZSurface/'
@swamp_folder = 'Graphics/ZSwamps/'
@frame_number = 4
@frame_array = []
@stand_frame = 0
@stand_array = []
@direction_number = 4
@frame_speed = 1.0
@movement_type = 'dir4'
@direction_array = []
@player_size = []
@player_frame_speed = 1.0
@event_size_add = 0
@waypoints_settings = [true, []]
@cater_distance = 8
@cater_activate = true
@cater_overlap = true
@sprint_speed = 1
@sprint_key = Input::A
@sprint_time = 50
@sprint_wait = 20
@sprint_fix = false
@minimap_pos = 1
@minimap_width = 160.0
@minimap_height = 120.0
@minimap_scale = 4.0
@minimap_player_scale = 3.0
@minimap_opacity = 200
@minimap_c_cursor =, 0, 0)
@minimap_c_pass = (255, 255, 255)
@minimap_c_n_pass =, 0, 0)
@minimap = true
@minimap_sprites = true
@minimap_collision = false
@loop_maps = []
@jump_key = Input::X
@jump_height = 2
@jump_length = 64
@ice_tiles = []
@isometric = false
@sliding = true
@panorama_scrolling = false
@events = nil
@minimaps = {}
# switch to (de)activate caterpillars
def switch_caterpillar(value = nil)
@cater_activate = value == nil ? !@cater_activate : value
return if not $scene.is_a?(Scene_Map) or $scene.spriteset == nil or
not $game_map.is_a?(Game_Map)
$scene.spriteset.game_party_actors_sprites.each {|actor| actor.dispose}
$scene.spriteset.game_party_actors_sprites = []
$game_map.game_party_actors = []
return if not @cater_activate
for i in 1..$game_party.actors.length
for i in 0..($game_map.game_party_actors.length - 1)
sprite =$scene.spriteset.viewport1,
sprite.z -= 1
# switch for isometric function
def switch_isometric(value = nil)
@isometric = value == nil ? !@isometric : value
return if not @cater_activate or $game_map == nil or
$game_map.game_party_actors == nil
for actor in $game_map.game_party_actors
actor.moveto($game_player.x, $game_player.y)
# switch for caterpillar overlapping
def switch_cater_overlap(value = nil)
@cater_overlap = value == nil ? !@cater_overlap : value
# switch for direction fix while sprinting
def switch_sprint_fix(value = nil)
@sprint_fix = value == nil ? !@sprint_fix : value
# switch for the minimap
def switch_minimap(value = nil)
@minimap = value == nil ? !@minimap : value
# switch for the minimap character sprites
def switch_minimap_sprites(value = nil)
@minimap_sprites = value == nil ? !@minimap_sprites : value
# switch for the collision minimap
def switch_minimap_collision(value = nil)
@minimap_collision = value == nil ? !@minimap_collision : value
# switch for hero sliding
def switch_sliding(value = nil)
@sliding = value == nil ? !@sliding : value
# switch for special panorama scrolling
def switch_panorama_scrolling(value = nil)
@panorama_scrolling = value == nil ? !@panorama_scrolling : value
# changes the frame number of the player
def player_frame_number=(value)
return if value == @player_frame_number
@player_frame_number = value
return if $game_player == nil or $game_map == nil
($game_map.game_party_actors + [$game_player]).each do |event|
# changes the direction number of the player
def player_direction_number=(value)
return if value == @player_direction_number
@player_direction_number = value
return if $game_player == nil or $game_map == nil
($game_map.game_party_actors + [$game_player]).each do |event|
# changes the stand frame of the player
def player_stand_frame=(value)
return if value == @player_stand_frame
@player_stand_frame = value
return if $game_player == nil or $game_map == nil
($game_map.game_party_actors + [$game_player]).each do |event|
# changes the shift in x direction of th player
def player_shift_x=(value)
return if value == @player_shift_x
@player_shift_x = value
return if $game_player == nil or $game_map == nil
($game_map.game_party_actors + [$game_player]).each do |event|
# changes the shift in y direction of th player
def player_shift_y=(value)
return if value == @player_shift_y
@player_shift_y = value
return if $game_player == nil or $game_map == nil
($game_map.game_party_actors + [$game_player]).each do |event|
# changes the frame number of the events
def frame_number=(value)
return if value == @frame_number
@frame_number = value
return if $game_map == nil
e = ($game_map.game_party_actors + $ + [$game_player])
e.each {|event| event.init_special_settings}
# changes the direction number of the events
def direction_number=(value)
return if value == @direction_number
@direction_number = value
return if $game_map == nil
e = ($game_map.game_party_actors + $ + [$game_player])
e.each {|event| event.init_special_settings}
# changes the stand frame of the events
def stand_frame=(value)
return if value == @stand_frame
@stand_frame = value
return if $game_map == nil
e = ($game_map.game_party_actors + $ + [$game_player])
e.each {|event| event.init_special_settings}
# creates waypoints for Pathfinding
def create_waypoints
# loading bar is loaded
$bg =
$bg.bitmap =, 480)
$bg.bitmap.fill_rect(0, 0, 640, 480,, 0, 0))
$bar =
$bar.bitmap =, 128)
$bar.bitmap.fill_rect(0, 0, 640, 128,, 0, 0))
$bar.y = 480 - 128
# loads map ids
if $pixelmovement.waypoints_settings[0]
load = []
for i in 1..999
load -= $pixelmovement.waypoints_settings[1]
load = $pixelmovement.waypoints_settings[1]
load.each do |map_id|
name = sprintf("Map%03d.rxdata", map_id)
load -= [map_id] if not Dir.entries('Data/').include?(name)
# loads waypoint
load.each do |map_id|
$bar.x = -640 + (load.index(map_id) + 1) * 640 / load.length
path =$game_player)
$scene = nil
# creates the setting object (depending on if the game has just been
# started or restarted)
$pixelmovement =$pixelmovement != nil)