well, if you want to use steps, you can't set that back to zero using a change variable. I think what you would want to do would be to create a loop that checks the footsteps as they increase. You should use two common events. In the first you would want,
conditions - tirgger = parallel and a switch, well say switch 008 since that's what you used.
set variable[0001] = steps
set variable[002] = steps
set variable[003] = variable[002] (minus) variable[001]
if variable[003] >=100
control switch[008] = off
control switch[009] = on
end loop.
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then in the second common event you would have
condtions - trigger = parallel, switch = [009]
#now you just do everything here just like you have in your current conditional branch except you don't need to do
#variables and you don't need to check for steps, so the first part will look like this.
Conditional branch: switch[002] = on
you get paid!!!
control switches [008] = on
control switches [009] = off
exit event processing
branch end
Conditional branch: switch [003] = on
you get paid, blah blah blah
#just follow how it's done above and it should work
now be aware that for your rank switches, you have to only have one on at a time, otherwise if you have both rank 0 and rank 1 switches on, then you'll only get paid for rank 0. If you have any other questions, let me know. **I didn't test this so if it doesn't work, let me know and i'll figure out what's wrong. This is only a rough sketch, so you'll have to figure some things out yourself.**
hope this helps!