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Help with a script...

I'm using a script that shows a window when i call it...
The only problem is that it takes 20 seconds before the window disappears once called. Can someone edit this so: the window will disappar after 5 seconds, or if menu or battle is entered?

Here is the script:
# â–¦nbsp; Place_Window
#  To place a window at the top left of the screen showing your location
#   in the game by name, and an icon.

class Place_Window < Window_Base  #Uses Window_Base's variables
attr_accessor  :text            #Defines text
attr_accessor  :icon            #Defines which icon to use
def initialize(text, icon)      #Stores the text to print in the variable, "text"
 #Draws a window at position 0,0  with a width of the # of chars in text
 #times 14, and a height of 55
 super(0, 0, text.size*12+32, 55)   
 #Creates a Bitmap viewport without any arrows (removing the -32's shows arrows)
 self.contents = Bitmap.new(width-32, height-32)
 #Sets the font's face to Times New Roman
 self.contents.font.name = "Tahoma"  
 #Sets the font's size to 20
 self.contents.font.size = 22
 #Sets the opacity of the background of the window to 160
 bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(icon)
 self.contents.blt(x, y, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 24, 24))
 #Draws the text inside the variable, "text" within a viewport with the 
 #dimensions of the number of characters in text times 14, and the 
 #height of 20 pixels tall; all at locaiton 0,0
 self.contents.draw_text(32, 0, text.size*12+32, 20, text)

Ps: I forgot who the author was, if someone know they are welcome to post it. Oh! And I have done some minor edits..

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