# ** Animated Battlers - Enhanced ver. 10.3 (10-30-2007)
# * (0) Credits: Includes features included & additional system notes
# Animated Battlers by Minkoff
# Enhancements by DerVVulfman
# Low percentage and Status Poses
# Concept & Base coding by Twin Matrix
# Hero & Enemy z.depth concept by Min-Chan and Caldaron ( totally redone

# Collapse stack-error found by JirbyTaylor(fixed) / Code by SephirothSpawn
# Default 'Battle Animation' glitch found by Mimi Chan (Note, can't fully fix)
# Compatability Fix for 'Gradient Bars v3.4+' by Trickster.
# AT Battle Pause code supplied by Fomar0153
# 'None/All' Target error found by daigotsu. Solution found & fixed... mostly.
# Configurables now saved in save file. Feature requested by MasterMind5823.
# Viewport error (related to Gradient Bar fix) detected by Alistor. Fixed.
# Long-running Full-Screen 'Battle Animation' glitch found by Mimi-Chan. Fixed.
# Dead battlers found still on battlefield at combat start (found by Angel_FX).
# Variable frames per poses glitch found by Mimi-Chan... found source n fixed.
# This script is not a battlesystem but a graphic overlay system that can con-
# vert a frontview 'Strategy' battlesystem into a Sideview battlesystem. It
# has gone through a number of changes over the months that I have put my spin
# on the system, originally coded by Minkoff himself.
# As of now, this system works with the default battlesystem, the RTAB system
# by Cogwheel, ParaDog's ATB, XRXS's system, and a number of systems designed
# by Trickster.
# Again, this system changes the 'graphic' overlay system and is meant to
# change the battlers and battler's startup positions for a sideview system.
# It is not meant to alter anything else, including combat values, defense
# levels, or any other graphics other than those related to the battlers them-
# selves.
# Skill and Item Scopes:
# Until recently, the revised system did not allow for target scopes beyond
# a single target. This was unintentional and unforseen. However, with the
# revision made in version 7.3, this was corrected. But, skills or items that
# have a target scope of 'None' would still create an error if this form of
# attack is set in either $moving_item_atk or $moving_skill_atk hashe arrays.
# Don't supply the id #'s of any 'None' scope skills/items into these hashes.
# RTAB: Connected Attacking
# A powerful add-on to the RTAB system by Cogwheel, this script allows an ac-
# tor to apply multiple hits on a target. At first, there was no auto-detect
# feature which gave ME MIGRANES... having to use insert switch in the config
# section. Now there is one. The only caveat is that you must STILL comment
# out or remove the entire 'action_phase' routine in Con. Attacking (which is
# roughly lines 30 to 80).
# LARGE PARTY (Fomar0153's)
# In order to take advantage of the 'Large Party' system, and still keep the
# actors and enemies in the proper viewport, the second half of Fomar's Large
# Party script (the Battlestatus Page) must be placed under Animated Battlers.
# The first page must still be pasted above the battlesystem script(s) as
# before. Please follow all of Fomar0153's instructions as always.
# SIDEVIEW MIRROR: This value switches the positions of both enemies and
# heroes to opposite ends of the screen.
# Script : $sideview_mirror = [number]
# number : a value indicating whether the hero & enemy positions are switched
# 0 = Default: Enemies on the left, Heroes on the right
# 1 = Switched: Heroes on the left, Enemies on the right
# BATTLER FORMATIONS: This value changes the way your heroes line up when the
# battle starts.
# Script : $formation_style = [number]
# number : a value indicating the type of formation your heroes will use
# 0 = Diagonal (Default) 4 = Column Pattern 1
# 1 = Diagonal Pattern 2 5 = Column Pattern 2
# 2 = Slanted Pattern 1 6 = Wave Formation 1
# 3 = Slanted Pattern 2 7 = Wave Formation 2
# 8 = Randomized (system will choose from 0 to 7)
# FORMATION OPTIONS: These values may expand your system to go beyond the
# default four player system.
# Script : $formation_max_member = [number]
# number : A value indicating the maximum number of members in your party.
# (default = 4)
# Script : $formation_max_height = [number]
# number : A value indicating (in pixels) the top height of your party shown
# in the Battle Screen. The higher the number, the lower the party
# on the screen. (default = 220)
# Script : $formation_max_width = [number]
# number : The left/right width of the party's formation. (default = 128)
# Script : $battlestatus_height = [number]
# number : The actual height of your battlestatus window. (default = 160)
# NOTE: The combined $formation_max_height and $battlestatus_height determines
# the vertical distance between battlers in their formation.
# Things added since original version by Minkoff:
# Can reverse the battler positions
# Editable spritesheet layout in script
# Able to define total/max frames per pose
# Can define individual # of frames per each pose
# Can use 'red-out' RTP death or 'battler death' pose
# Can show battler falling before death.
# 'Casting' pose now available for RTAB/Skill Timing users
# Can show battler celebrating before victory pose
# Can tag battlers who's victory pose loops indefinitely
# Can show actor battlers get ready before battle starts.
# Separate poses for 'skills', 'items' or 'weapons' based on their id
# Can allow the battlers to step forward before using items & skills (FFVII+)
# Attacking battlers rush towards their targets while item & skill users don't
# Certain weapons can force the battler NOT to move
# Certain items & skills can force battlers to 'rush' the enemy
# Certain skills or items can force movement to the center of the screen
# Stationary enemies. In case enemies do NOT move when they attack.
# Adjustable 'low health' checker. Set your low health to 25%... 30%... 10%...
# Poses now available for status ailments
# Dead revert to 'victory' pose bug fixed.
# Default battlers now available for actors and/or enemies
# Default battlers now usable by ID number (had to rewrite red-out for that)
# Escaping Enemies bug found by SteveE22. Fixed just as fast.
# Hero Formations (total of 8 hardwired -& 1 random- ... add at your own risk)
# Z-Depth for attack overlapping purposes
# Corrected attack overlap offset routine. Overlap now based on battler size
# Certain skills and items can now prevent movement
# Can allow battlers to take step forward before performing 'attack' pose.(FF)
# Certain weapons can move battlers to center screen instead of a full move.
# Escaping Enemies can now have a pose before disappearing (was a rush pose)
# Redesigned Scene_Battle's movement routine
# Added pose for Critical Hits
# Added the enemy's hash for frame number based on poses
# Added the actor's hash for frame number based on poses
# Re-Tooled the formations to go beyond the default four party system
# Minor value added for compatability with Delissa's Battle Cry script
# Default Collapse Stack-Error fixed(code by SephirothSpawn) found JirbyTaylor
# Removed dependancy on $game_system for the Sideview Mirror system
# Fixed the 'Blocking during Victory State' bug discovered by Kaze950
# Battler tones now adapt to the background tones, requested by doom900
# Fixed changing battler/battler system. Include fade-in switch req by Neonyo
# Set individual Actors/Enemies that phase on an attack
# Translucent battlers... a personal desire for ghosts you can see through!
# Adjustable opacity for translucent battlers... can't forget that.
# FREAKIN'!!! Fixed the Battler tones. I forgot to 'untone' the 1st viewport.
# Adjustable 'attack/skill/item' movement speeds requested by KAIRE.
# Removed annoying translucency 'flicker' (excess code totally unneeded).
# Individual 'Woozy' Rates per battlers added (JirbyTaylor gave me the idea).
# Woozy and Status poses now override any blocking pose. Makes sense, eh?
# Can now use individually sized spritesheets for enemies and actors.
# 'Casting' pose now available for ParaDog's Spell Residence/Delay users.
# Another escaping enemies (do-nothing switch) bug found by Boomy. Lengthy fix
# Redefined the casting pose values. Now set up for 'each' battler. Better.
# ---Noted: 'FullScreen' Battle Animation bug found by Mimi Chan.
# A combination 'Nil'-Pose/Nil-State bug was fixed. Found by Gaxx
# 'Templates per Spritesheet' system for Actors and Enemies now available.
# ---Noted: Removed Battle Animation attempted fix. (Can't fix. Removed.)
# Created 'Obtain Pose' for multiple spritesheet types to shorten code.
# Added additional 'Custom Spritesheet' poses for the Casting pose & the like.
# Added individual 'Casting' poses hash for each skill used.
# Added addt. Advanced 'Custom Spritesheet' pose system for Casting & the like
# Removed the unnecessary 'viewport.z' statement, compatible with Grad. Bars!
# System 'can' pause the AT bar growth when performing attack, skill & item!
# A 'None / All'-Target bug was found by daigotsu. Taken care of... mostly.
# Configurables (like $sideview_mirror) not saved. Bug found by MasterMind5823
# Now a 'casting' pose available when used with the Skill Casting Delay system
# Bug squashed related to Casting Pose addition
# Random Formation/Custom Battlesystem bug found by Alistor. Very small fix.
# The Actor Command Window was 'under' the battlers. Found by Alistor. Fixed.
# Moves actor battlers into viewport 1. Fixes hero/window menu glitches.
# Fixes the battle animation glitch found by Mimi Chan by relocating enemies!
# Additional compatability with Fomar0153's Large Party (v2) system added.
# Fixed a minor bug with battle poses if called from a Custom Sheet template.
# Can tag battlers who's defeat poses loops indefinitely (Hakuya suggestion).
# Dead guys now hidden at battle start (visible if 'raised) Thanks Angel_FX.
# Converted the CONFIG section to use 'constants' to reduce resources used.
# Converted the $global RTAB/ParaDog/Fomar detection values to $game_system.
# Includes an Adaptation Switch for use with RTAB's Connected Attacking script
# -Finally- Connected Attacking is auto-detected. Adaption switch not needed.
# Got tired of referring to IDX nos for template. Poses start at 1, not 0!!!
# Replaced all but '7' $global values with $game_system values. Resources!!!
# Revised the AT bar growth system for Trickster's newer battlesystems.
# Repaired the Victory Pose looop/no-loop glitch found by joooda
# Now you can config where the targetting arrow is (long overdue).
# Repaired some CTBs 'non-existant' moved values - found by bojox3m.
# System cleanup. Condensed a number of existing routines. Made new ones.
# Added Flatrate HP feature to the 'low health' checker. A Boo Mansion request.
# Battlers can seem to be attacked from behind with the 'Advantages!' system.
# Added 'STRUCK by...' poses. Indiv. poses based how you're attacked Kaze950)!
# Fixed the DEFAULT_ACTOR_ID collapse bug. RTP battlers die collapse style!
# Repaired a bug in the 'Casting Pose' routine for ParaDog's Spell Delay.
# Reduced the number of instance variables & set up as 'locals'.
# Repaired a 'Variable Frames per Pose' glitch found by Mimi-Chan.
# Better handling of 'same pose' attack pausing.
# 93 counted